May 31, 2008

Photo Hunters

About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008, more Photo Hunters posts for today's theme.

The Photo Hunt for today is: self (yourself or part of you)!

Whoof! I took this pikture of myself. It's hard to take piktures when yur a dog, 'specially when you gotta hold the camera out woof one paw to take the pikture of yurself.
Okay... so I'm spoofin' you. I didn't take it of myself. Mom (a.k.a. Menagerie Mom, a.k.a. Alice, a.k.a. Mom 'Bean) took it and a bunch of other ones. I don't like my pikture taken so I wouldn't stay still, so it was real hard fur Mom 'Bean to take 'em and get one usable. This one has some parts a bit blurry, but oh well, arf arf.
I really think I gots to color those white whiskers... sheesh!

Do you drive a car? Or even a truck or motorcycle? If you do, you'll be interested in this car insurance comparison.


Anonymous said...

Nice of you to sit still long enough for the photo. You look really good :)

Anonymous said...

My, what big teeth you have!!! Great take on this weeks theme. Have a wonderful week.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

HA well of course

Unknown said...

Well you did a mighty fine job with your paws but I think you drooled a bit :)
Thanks for visiting the Cafe this week.

jams o donnell said...

Ain't you a beautiful doggie! You should stay still and let your mom show the world how beautiful you are!

Liz Hinds said...

You are not only a tease, you are very handsome!

Hootin Anni said...

Woof!!!!! Sloppy kisses Reba! You're a doll!!!

Mine's posted. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". [and it's not what you think! ::giggles::]

Daisy said...

Hi Reba! I like that photo of you because I can see your nice nose and pearly white teeths.

YTSL said...

My, what big teeth you have!!! (Think I can see the relationship between you and wolves there... ) ;o

Gattina said...

Wow ! THAT's THE picture for a poster "Beware of dog" lol !

poor man's nicole richie said...

omg! a talkin' dawg! so cute. and the scarf you're wearing on your banner is fabulous. suits you well.

c",) Morning Sniffles

Anonymous said...

Come 'ere and lemme pat that wet nose of yours, Ms Reba! :)

ancient one said...

Woof, Woof, bow-wow!!

Arf wow woof

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

LOL! I was wondering how you pulled it off without opposable thumbs. Good thing mom was there.

The bunnies were hiding out at my place. Sorry - they get a little nervous around dogs. :D

 gmirage said...

lol...cute nose! =) Fun post! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

nice mouth ....happy hunting!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Hi Reba!
We think that is a wofferable photo of you.

CRIZ LAI said...

Arf Arf..I could be such a puppy at times too. Nice fangs... :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ooooh, what big teeth you have, Reba. That's a really interesting shot of your nose and mouth.

Melli said...

Ahhhhh ... the white ones make you look distinguished! ;)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

But we got a good look at your pretty teeth! :)

storyteller said...

Your mom did a wonderful job (and so did you)! Molly thinks it’s great too ;--)

Mine’s at Small Reflections as usual.
Hugs and blessings,

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

*woof woof*

Nice teeth, I hope I'm not your target :P

Anonymous said...

Reba, I kno you claim to be a dog, but I can't help but think you're mostly ham!

Huey said...

Oh how I love dogs with their innocent look! :D

I keep a blog for my dog too. Here goes:

jmb said...

Grandma what big teeth you have. All the better to eat you my dear.
But I'm sure a nice dog like you would not do that.
Have a good weekend.

Dragonstar said...

Never mind the whiskers, those teeth are gorgeous - so strong and white! Lovely portrait.

Rach said...

Great close up of your teeth Reba!

Tom said...

Nice shot! Arf! Arf!

Aisha said...

LOL! You are super cute!

Anonymous said...

haha so true! it's hard to take a picture of yourself when ur holding the cam with your hand and the other hand is covering your face haha!!

philos said...

Hehe... nice doggie :p

Cheerio said...

You're really making me laugh here.
Thanks for dropping by.

Lemonjude said...

Whoof, whoof! with that sharp teeth, you look a bit fierce to me... *run away*

Thanks dropping by my PH.