Jan 25, 2012

Music.... and Mewsic

I admit that I am not very musically inclined, though I do love to listen to good music. For awhile I did sing and enjoyed playing around with drums. I was in Omak at the Stampede several times, and one year while there I bought a Native drum from a vendor in there Indian Encampment. I have maracas and other such small instruments, or in my hands, "noise makers". I did have these small musical instruments hanging on the wall in my living room and some of them fell down. Today I spent some time making little wire hangers so I can put them all back up where they are safe. I didn't get them put up yet, will do that tomorrow, but at least I got them ready to hang and just have to climb up and hang them. Now, with the hour being late I think I will head to bed and dream.... of all things good and wonderful... even children happily playing with a kids drum set as they dream of becoming a famous rock star.

I bid you a very good night as I go off to cuddle my wonderful cat, Mewsic, and drift off into dreamland.

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