Yesterday was real rainy and we stayed home. Wow, did it ever come down like I've never seen in July. The day before yesterday Mom took me on a ride to town in our truck woof a 'new' rack on it. Her friend Mike sold it to her fur a good deal and it's all strong steel, but it has no sides on it fur my protection. Mom will figure out something soon, and in the meantime I gets tied into it. It was kinda scary at first and I didn't really enjoy our ride to town. In town, Mom loosened off the tie some so I could lay down, and still not have enough to jump out or anything like that, and left me in the truck while she was in the Centre doing her volunteer work. Every once in a while I saw her lookin' out at me making sure I was okay. Arf, arf, she didn't know I saw her. She's very protective. Anyway, I kinda got used to the idea a bit and was much better on the drive home. Also, Mike gave Mom a tool box fur the back of her truck, so I was standing on that too and it's kinda slippery. Mom was very nervous too. I've always been inside the canopy or in a rack woof the sides on it. Lots of dogs are in back of trucks woofout that protection, some aren't even tied in even though it's against the law to have loose dogs in yur truck. Yur sposed to have us secured in yur truck. I think it's legal to have me loose woof a canopy or rack woof sides, though I'm not real sure. I'll get Mom to take a pikture of the truck woof the rack on so I can show it to you. Maybe even woof me in it. Ya... woof me in it. You'll all like to see me again. Yup. K. Gonna do that.

I would like to see a picture because I am kind of perplexed about what a rack without sides must look like.
Oooo I'm so glad you got the new rack. Reba you got good eyes to keep track of mom. Aloha my friend. :) Woof Woof!
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