Dec 27, 2011

Take Off Pounds Sensibly

For 2 years now I've been going to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). In the first year I lost 20 pounds though in the second year I gained about 10 of them back. I think it is time I get serious!!! In my TOPS club there are several who have been going every week for a lot longer than I have and I think will be going for many years to come and stay around the same weight they are now. There also have been some who reached their weight loss goals and have become KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Every month TOPS puts out a magazine that each of us members receive in the mail. This magazine gives us information on weight loss as well as shares stories with us written by people who have lost a lot of weight. TOPS has helped many people to shed the extra pounds and become much more healthy, but TOPS can't do it for us. We have to do it for ourselves!! I have to do it for my self!!! I love eating and I don't like exercising and yet I have to find a way to eat less and move more. Oh Joy!! Maybe writing here can help me with this road I must go down.

1 comment:

Dena said...

This sounds very similar to my story. I wish you well on this year's journey - one day at a time. I will be back, hoping that you will share your successes here.
TOPS is there for encouragement. Cheering you on as you do all the hard work.