Jun 15, 2008

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Sunday Meme/Challenge that is all about animals/critters. Each week we post a photo, or photos, of an animal, then link back to the Camera Critters web site. We also go see what others who are taking part have posted.

Mom Malard Duck and her 10 babies, crossing a busy road. Cars stopped to let them cross safely.

Have a Woofenderful Day!!


Anonymous said...

It is lovely to reed that the cars actually did stop to give them a safe passage!

Ingrid said...

I hope you didn't bark and sat there in silence to watch them crossing the street !

Sandy Kessler said...

That's one of my favorites today for sure. A reminder of animals in Springtime- have a special week!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

how adorable

ratmammy said...

Cute photo!

Dina said...

What a sweet procession! Nice drivers to see them and to stop safely.
The animal I just posted causes fatal accidents on Israel's highways.

Rayne said...

I love that people stopped for them. What a wonderful photo.

storyteller said...

Very cute photo! Was there a crossing guard with a yellow sign anywhere in sight? I’ve shared at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Misty DawnS said...

Ahahahaha - I LOVE this photo of this adorable family! What a great capture!

AppleDebbie said...

What a wonderful duck family photo!