1. Going on another trip in the truck woof Mom fur a week or two like we did last year is high up on my bucket list.
2. My favorite quote is "If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."; it's from Fran Lebowitz.
3. Wanting more doggy cookies inspired me to start blogging so I could blog fur money.
4. Strawberries are best eaten by Mom.
5. I was chasing this cat and it was laughing as we ran, then suddenly I was in the dog park playing woof some other dogs and we ran and ran through the trees and into the creak in the last dream I remember having.
6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is any time Mom takes me to the dog park to run and play woof my friends... who cares what the clock says.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to sleeping beside Mom's bed like I always do, tomorrow my plans include stayin' home in my run alone cuz Mom has to go to a meeting thing and can't take me cuz it's fur a long time and is 'sposed to be hot and Sunday, I want to go to church woof Mom, but she won't take me if it's hot so I'm hopin' it's cool and dry!
2. My favorite quote is "If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."; it's from Fran Lebowitz.
3. Wanting more doggy cookies inspired me to start blogging so I could blog fur money.
4. Strawberries are best eaten by Mom.
5. I was chasing this cat and it was laughing as we ran, then suddenly I was in the dog park playing woof some other dogs and we ran and ran through the trees and into the creak in the last dream I remember having.
6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is any time Mom takes me to the dog park to run and play woof my friends... who cares what the clock says.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to sleeping beside Mom's bed like I always do, tomorrow my plans include stayin' home in my run alone cuz Mom has to go to a meeting thing and can't take me cuz it's fur a long time and is 'sposed to be hot and Sunday, I want to go to church woof Mom, but she won't take me if it's hot so I'm hopin' it's cool and dry!
Sector watches! This is a good web site to check out if you like watches, and would like to see some that are a bit different than in your local big box store.***********************************
That quote is hilarious. I don't want to try a tail.
LOL LOVE the quote!!! Thanks for playing, have a great weekend :-)
I loved ur quote!:)
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