Jun 20, 2008

Photo Hunters

About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008

Whoof everyone. Today the theme for Photo Hunters is Water! Today I'm gonna show you some piktures of water in the Kootenays from when Mom and I went there last year. We sure wish we could go again, but this year Mom had to put a new clutch in the truck. Oh well, maybe next year!

These Canada Geese are on Fish Lake

This is the bridge on the one arm of Kootenay Lake where Nelson is. we drove across this bridge in and out of Nelson when we went to visit woof Claire and her friends Deborah Anne and Peter.

Happy Hunting everyone!!

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Anonymous said...

Reba, tell your mom that Canadians spell funny. I was born and raised in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, in Kootenai County. I have swum and fished in the Kootenai River.

jams o donnell said...

Nice shots. It looks like a great place for a stay. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow its a pretty shots happy hunting and weekend too.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The geese look like they're having a relaxing time swimming around the lake :)
Have a good weekend!

philos said...

Reminds me of the song that goes like a bridge over troubled water, except these waters don't look troubled at all! Good job Reba! Or whoever does your photography for you :p

Sandy M said...

The bridge shot is just awesome. Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Love the ducks....but, bridges I fear.

My 'water' theme this week is a road trip along the coastline of South Texas...ending at an historical mansion. Come by for a visit if you can!! Lots of pictures this time...hope you'll enjoy the history.

Daisy said...

Your water photos are really pretty!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Beautiful place.
Have a great weekend!

Ingrid said...

I understand ! I also would rather like to see this lake again than a new clutch ! Poor boy !

Anonymous said...

Great shots!!

Happy Weekend.

storyteller said...

These are great ‘water’ photos for Photo Hunt. I participated too this week at Small Reflections … sharing a ‘water accident’ and the Firemen who came to the rescue. Would you ask ‘mom’ how she made the Expandable Blog Rolls different colors. I’d like to do that with MY expandable lists.
Molly sez 'woof' (with tail wagging)
Hugs and blessings,