May 31, 2008

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Sunday Meme/Challenge that is all about animals/critters. Each week we post a photo, or photos, of an animal, then link back to the Camera Critters web site. We also go see what others who are taking part have posted.

Oh, what cute little Canada Goose McNuggets!
"Heeere goosie McNuggets, come to Reba!"

Oh, come on! I'm just joking. I wouldn't really eat the little fuzz balls!

Mom 'Bean said when she took this pikture the lil buzz balls were trying to get out a' the water and their Mom was tryin' to get them to follow her out... but the wall was a bit too high fur them to get up it. Then their Mom took 'em somewhere else to get out.

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Anonymous said...

Very lovely picture!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Reba: I think you could eat them in one bite, if you wanted. I've been posting Goslings also.

Aisha said...

Lol. Yes, don't eat them please. They're really cute ducklings!

Anonymous said...

I love your mcnuggets!! I've never gotten that close to goose babies!

Michele said...

Oh man, these little guys are so cute! Sweet photo and I just can't stop staring at it!! Absolutely adorable!!!!
Rocky Mountain Retreat

Ingrid said...

I think you need a little more to eat, so leave these cute babies !

ratmammy said...

they looks so cute and fuzzy! i love baby birds!

Dianne said...

Very cute!!

and you're a good girl for letting them be ;)

storyteller said...

Molly thinks they look ‘tasty’ too, but she’s content with her IVD kibble … though it IS made from duck and sweet potato because she’s got a sensitive stomach.
Hugs and blessings,

i beati said...

so little bundles of fuzzy cuteness!!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, they are so cute! The only critters I am around today are the ones I bathed and they are not cute when they are wet.

Misty DawnS said...

Goose McNuggets... bwahahahahahaha. You are so funny Reba! Those little critters are too cute to eat ;-)

Anonymous said...

No nibbling on the McGoosies!

Anonymous said...

That is a very cute photo that I always wanted on my desktop. I wish I could help them to come out of the water, poor thing.

Dr.John said...

Good picture . Glad you didn't eat them.

Jans Funny Farm said...

How cute. We're glad you wouldn't really eat those little cuties. We hope you got an extra treat for being so good.

purrs and tail wags