May 23, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge - - W

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?

These piktures were taken last fall at one of Mom's Toastmaster meetings. I covered up some faces cuz I don't have permission to post these people on the internet.




Anonymous said...

Weird, indeed. Reba, you are a very strange, ahem, unusual dog.

Dr.John said...

Wow! Great W pictures. They are weird.

Ingrid said...

I pity you ! being surrounded by silly humans, lol and woof !

Karen Coutu said...

Those sure are some "weird" outfits! LOL!! Great W photos!!!

Melli said...

Weird ... true! Hmmm... I was considering Toastmasters! Mmmmmaybe not.... LOL! (nah! looks like they know how to have FUN!)

Anonymous said...

What is it with those costumes and the clock on the dress. Looks like some kind of celebration in the house so enjoy.