I Beati - Thanks fur the visit and the words.
Gattina - Mom says I'm 'too friendly', but I think she knows that I'd protect her if anything really came up. BARK
Imac - Awww, shucks, thanks fur those nice words.
Storyteller - do you and yur Molly live in a city? Is she too small to ride in the back of a truck? Mom won't let me ride back there woofout protection like the camper or the rack. We have 2 kinds of deer around here that this dog knows about... the Mule Deer like you see in these piktures, and White Tail Deer what have bigger tails and smaller ears.
Lilli & Nevada - Yip, I had a woofenderful time!! I look forward to being able to go again, and hoping it will be soon.
Misty Dawn - Whoof!! Ya, Mom takes good care 'o me... and she won't let me ride in the truck woofout protection. In winter it's a canopy. Last summer was the first year she put a rack on the truck and it was woofenderful!! We both liked it. In the fall we took it off and put the canopy back on again.
Jenny 865-53oh9 - that's a big name, whew! Yes, it was a woofenderful vacation woof my Mom. Thanks fur the visit.
Vader's Mom - Thanks fur coming over. I'm pretty much always happy so long as I'm close to my Mom. When she's not here, I don't even want to eat much.
Tammy - Thanks fur the nice comment. Come again.
Simply Shannon - Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Dianne - Hi. Mom & I do love each other and are happy together. We're both very grateful we found each other.
Bundle-o-contradictions - Whoof!! Thanks fur the visit and the comment.
Ashrunner - my Mom 'Bean says the deer was licking salt off the pavement. See, they (hoomans) put salt on the road in winter to melt ice and make the highway safer to drive on. The deer like to eat the salt.
gewinnspiel - Thank you. Yes, it was a woofenderful trip. I met Mom's long time friend Cam and he let me stay in his house woof my Mom. Mom thought I'd sleep in the truck but Cam said no... he said it was okay to bring me inside. I just had to behave myself when near Cam cuz he walks on 2 canes and Mom was scared he'd fall down if I bumped into him. He's pretty tuff tho and I tried to stay calm when near him.
Ananya - thanks fur making that nice post about me and the link to my blog. Hey everyone... check out the post Ananya wrote about my blog!!! I whoofed woof happiness 'bout this.
Have a great week everyone... see you soon.

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