Apr 27, 2008

Camera Critters #2

This is the third week of Camera Critters, a new meme/challenge in the bloggesphere, and it's all about photos of animals/critters. I missed the first week, so today is my second post. This is a Sunday post each week, and for more information, or to play along, you can check it out by clicking on the banner above.

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, well, by dog years anyway, but not so long ago by hooman years... May 2007, my Mom 'Bean and I went on a the best holiday I've ever been on. Well, okay, so it was the only holiday I've ever been on. Anyway, we went to the Kootenays. That's in the province of British Columbia (BC) Canada. It was a long drive... about 4 1/2 hours, and we stayed woof our friend Cam. We were gone almost a week and had a woofenderful time. We even met Claire, all the way over her from her home in Scotland. That's like another world to a dog.

This is me in our truck. Mom took the canopy off fur the summer and built this rack... just fur me to enjoy the summer and be able to go more places woof her. She put a blanket over top to give me shade when it got hotter, and a tarp when it rained so I'd stay dry. We were on a ferry boat here, going across the Lower Arrow Lake.

This is me. We were on a woofenderful walk that day.

On our way home we say lots and lots and lots of deer... and even more than that. Anyway, this one Mom took a picture of. We stopped driving and Mom took the picture through the windshield of the truck. Then she drove closer and was hanging out the driver's window about to take another one... the deer didn't even care until a noise car came along and scared the deer away.

This is a different deer. By this time I'd started barking at the deer when Mom 'Bean went to take pictures of them. I got excited 'bout it all.

Happy Camera Critters day!!!


i beati said...

wonderful story

Ingrid said...

I wouldn't dare to approach the car, lol if I didn't know you of course. You must be a wonderful body guard to your mum ! The deers are cute ! I haven't seen some in years !

imac said...

Glad you had a nice trip - my cute thing.
I think this is a great post for Camera Critters.

storyteller said...

Like you, I missed the 1st week of ‘Camera Critters’ … but my 2nd is up today at Small Reflections. Molly’s a bit jealous of your ‘wilderness’ environment and being able to ride OUTSIDE in the back of the truck. She’s fascinated by the ‘white tailed’ critter in the last two pictures today and her tail is wagging furiously … wanting to meet you both this morning.
Hugs and blessings,

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well it looks like you had a good time and wow those deer are big

Misty DawnS said...

Wow - it sounds like it was a fantastic trip! Your mom sure takes good care of you - that's an awesome set-up you've got in the truck there!

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Sounds like you had wonderful vacation with your mom!

Anonymous said...

You sure look happy on your walk and car ride!!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Great pictures! Love the deer!

ShannonW said...

Such a beautiful dog. Great photos...looks like a fun trip.

Dianne said...

what a wonderful life you lead!

and your Mom is wuffderful to you.

great shots!!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Looks like a great time! :)

Ashrunner said...

You gotta wonder what the deer was checking out in the middle of the road. 8v) Must have been a fun day.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures I love the deer. Seems that was a good trip

Ananya said...

Hey doggy check this link...

hope it'll make you woof with happiness! Dont disturb the neighbours though ;)

Anonymous said...

Great article, very valuable suggestions indeed. Thanks.