Apr 20, 2008

Camera Critters #1

This is the second week of Camera Critters, a new meme/challenge in the bloggesphere, and it's all about photos of animals/critters. I missed the first week, so today is my first post. This is a Sunday post each week, and for more information, or to play along, you can check it out by clicking on the banner above.

My Mom 'Bean took these piktures on June 23, 2005. She was in a nearby town woof my Nan (her Mom) and this gull just walked right up to her and posed so Mom 'Bean could take these photos of it (him or her, I don't know which). If I had been there, I'd have had fun barking at this bird, and if I was free, I'd chase it. Not to catch it, just fur the fun and exercise involved. Anyway, I think they're kinda nice photos.

Next week maybe I'll show you some of the other critters that live here woof Mom and me, but fur now I thought it would be fun to show you these.

Have a Woofenderful week!

Have you ever thought about how great it would be to use air tools for your job or just for home projects?


Anonymous said...

What a sweet gull! Lovely photos! Gulls are one of the symbols of my city, therefore your post is particularly sympathic to me! :)

Have a nice Sunday!

Greetings from Istanbul!

i beati said...

excellent thanks sandy

Juliana RW said...

great shots from different side.

Will you visit mine Thanks

Anonymous said...

wonderful shots....

Mine in here Thanks

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

great shots of such pesty birds ~ enjoy your week

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! but be careful with seagulls they have a very naughty character ! At my friends at the English coast there are many and they are really dangerous. They attack dogs, children, cats I couldn't believe it. I saw one flying by and steal the sandwich out of the hand of an old lady !! Everywhere there are signs to watch the seagulls and I found them soo cute, lol !

Anonymous said...

I know a young girl who would have nightmares from these pictures. Terrified of birds.

Great shots just made me laugh since we just spoke about her phobia

Lilli & Nevada said...

Beautiful photo, they surely are a beautiful bird

Misty DawnS said...

Reba, you are SO right - your mom got some excellent photos of this critter. Good thing you weren't there to chase it away, because then she wouldn't have been able to get these great photos. I love the detail of the eye, beak, and webbed feet! Great post, and I'm so glad you played CC this week!

storyteller said...

Now those are critters I actually SEE here in my beach community, but Molly scares them off before I get my camera ready. I’m introducing her today at Small Reflections for my first Camera Critters post.
Hugs and blessings,

Juli said...

I'm kinda afraid of gulls. They'll come right up to you and steal stuff! Great pics though. My critter is here if you want to check him out.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Great up close photos!

Anonymous said...

What a cute set of photos. That gull is awful small and probably would have been fun to chase. My Vader has been chasing birds in the yard all day today.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Nice of him to stop and pose for you.

Katney said...

Gulls will often pose like that for photos. Funny about that.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great resource.I'm very interesting to read your blog. Thanks for posting this.
okinawa prints

Anonymous said...

Great shots - they are beautiful, but oh, so loud and cheeky!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Reba: Cool pictures of the gulls. I saw a bunch in a parking lot and got pictures a while ago. They like to pose for you. Come and see my buzzards.

Ashrunner said...

Fairly tame gull there. I don't see them often around here, but I can't get that close when I do! 8v)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Those are great shots! :)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Very patient to wait around for its picture to be taken! :)

Mike said...

I've seen some pretty daring gulls in the past. I've picnicked at beaches before and had them try to get my food lol. Good photos.