The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
My Mom (I sometimes call her Mom 'Bean cuz she's a hooman bean) loves critters, and this is a good thing cuz as a dog, I is a critter. Mom 'Bean loves me to bits and bits and beyond. Anyway.... I'm gonna give you a list of critters she either has now (HN), has had (HH), or wants to have (WH). I guess there's even some she is getting in the next little while, so I'll call them (IG).
1- cat (HH), (WH). She wants to get a Bengal Cat one day before too long.
2- dog (HN)... ME silly, arf, arf, arf.
3- rabbit (HH), (HN). She used to raise rabbits, so had as many as 100 at times, now only has one that lives in the house too. Her name is Grace Hawk.
4- chinchilla (HN). Mom has 5 chinchillas. Daisy, Sheri, Smudge, Charlie and Cherry.
5- budgie birds (HN). She has Lady Bird and Tom Tom.
6- horse (HH) (WH). Mom has had horses in her past and I remember when I was a pup that we went riding horses lots. My first time I was real little and got too tired to keep up, so Mom had to carry me on her horse fur awhile.
7- chickens (HH). She might have some again one day cuz she loved 'em, but isn't sure yet.
8- goat (HH) (WH) Mom likes goats. She had one miniature goat fur awhile before I was here and would like to have some again.
9- donkey (WH) Mom 'Bean thinks they're really cute and would be fun to have.
10- pig (HH) (WH). She loved her piggies that she had and would like to have a couple little mini pigs as pets, just fur the fun of it.
11- fish (HH) Mom has fishies before and really likes 'em but they always dye on her, so she doesn't want no more of 'em.
12- cockatiel (IG). Mom's friend Wendy is giving us a cockatiel named Taz. He's about 2 or 3 years old, I forget what they said. Wendy has Taz's mom & dad who no longer want him livin' in the cage woof them.
13- parrot (IG) A friend of Mom's has a sister who's movin' out here and has 2 parrots. She needs someone to look after 'em while they're movin'. Her mom and mine will each take one. If Mom falls in love woof it in the 3 months she's gonna be lookin' after it, then she can keep it if she wants to. I think she'll want to.
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You live in a loving household, Reba! All those critters your mom loves! Must be wonderful.
Great T13! And I thought I had a zoo with three cats and a dog!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
That's one busy life with all those critters :-)
Good doggie! Thanks for visiting my TT13 :)
Wow, that's quite the zoo! I know some people who breed bengals. They are gorgeous cats.
Heheh...Your lucky to have an animal lover momsie. Take care.
Can you smell my kitty? I am typing with 1 hand because she wants me to pet her, it's a skill I have purrfected. Even tho she's 14 she still looks like a kitty, she's so nice as she keeps my feet warm at nite!
I hope to have a horse one day. I use to ride when I lived in CA but haven't rode in years! Great list!
Hmmm ... methinks we read this T-13 earlier in the week ... and could swear we left a comment at the time, but sometimes 'technological glitches' happen. Other times it's just my 'addled mind' ... anyway your mom has certainly shared her life with more animals than me.
Molly's my 5th dog over a 38 year period ... my first 'only' because now that I'm 'happily retired' she's got ME to keep her company 24/7 and doesn't need a companion when I head off to work each day. She’s got lots of neighborhood fur-friends and all the visitors to ‘Dog Beach’ … plus (when I travel) she stays at Camp Ilene (a cage-free playground for canines) and has a grand time!
My previous pooches were 'pairs' ... (a 'Heinz57 with a Beagle mix for the first 16 years followed by a Keeshond-Terrier Mix with a Lab-Chow Mix for the next 16).
We do share our territory with a 'feral' cat who adopted me about a decade ago ... long before Molly's arrival 3 years ago. My 'ex' has custody of our parrot, Esme (short for Esmerelda).
Hugs and blessings,
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