Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?
Notice my letter U up top? See Pooh is holding an Umbrella? Well, that's cuz it's raining a lot here this week. From cold to hot to cold and wet. How's a dog to know if she should shed her winter coat or not?
nufff said

The other night, Mom stayed up ALL NIGHT!! She took these piktures of the sun as it came up in the morning, and the birds outside was all yellin' real loud that it almost hurted Mom's ears (or so she told me). Then she came inside the house and we went to bed 'bout 5:30 in the morning.

See how this truck was parked fur a long time. We came and parked and Mom went in fur shopping and they was still there. She was in 'a mood' I guess cuz she put a not on it tellin' the peoples that she hopes they drive better than they park. Now that is a scary thought. Anyway, they got back just when Mom was takin' piktures, so she got into our truck and we left, arf, arf, arf!
Laughing myself silly!
Okay, sillier. But whose nit-picking?
That looks just like the parking lots in our city too...taking up TWO spots and hangin' their rear out so you can't get around them!
Happy W W
Great U photos! I loved the joke too. LOL!!
I want to see a picture of you with an ombrella, lol Your mom goes to bed when I get up ! but the picture was it worth !
Nice shots... I like the photo on Pooh with umbrella beside letter U. I think that's smart ;D
That is a good U picture with an umbrella yet.
Nice work. Quilly is a genius - you can tell her I said that!!
LOL! That IS quite the parking job!
This was a good way of making people write about their daily doings which are related to the word “U”. This made people think a lot and than talk about their own gatherings of the word “U”.
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