May 6, 2008

Woofless Wednesday & Alphabet Photo Challenge "G"

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at
Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?

GOATS! Need I say more?

If you want to read words, check out the first comment. It's woofless/wordless Wednesday, so I don't want to talk here.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my blog. Glad you could make it. Mom's having some bad days so didn't get out to take piktures the last few days, so I had to look thru old ones. I thought about posting piktures of people and critters that are GONE from our life fur whatever reasons. Then I found these ones Mom took last May when she went to Uncle Terry's wedding. These GOATS live on a roof, how cool is that!! Coombs is a place on the Vancouver Island of British Columbia, Canada.

I hope you enjoy my bloggy today, and how I've again mixed two memes together. Come see what I do fur the other letters of the alphabet.

Ingrid said...

Goats are cute ! (I am one, according to the Chinese, lol) I have seen them in Morocco ON trees ! they climbed up there to eat the leaves.
Arthur's guns are only fake, Mr. Gattino loves them as decoration, I prefer my cats !

Anonymous said...

In these pictures there are a mysterious is hiding. I can not understand. I think I need to know about "woofless/wordless Wednesday" from your link. Thanks for your information.

Mo and The Purries said...

Reba, that is an awesome post!
That's my kind of store!

Sending HUGS to your mommie!


Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Very fun! Our dog used to hang out on our garage roof. From the front of the house, you couldn't really see that the garage was built into a hill, so he just walked out there. It was very entertaining to watch people's expressions as they walked by! :D

Thanks for dropping by.

Carletta said...

Love these! A good choice for WW.
I'm catching up on the ABC posts so hope you'll come visit mine as well.

maryt/theteach said...

Well, are they real goats on the roof? I can't be sure from just looking... :D

Karen Coutu said...

My 4yr old loves to feed and pet the goats at the various farms and petting zoos around here. They are so cute! Great choice for G!!

Anonymous said...


Great job taking over while mom was out.....this is a cat - so I hope that's cool with you.

Catch ya later,

(I'll leave my mom's url stuff since I don't have a bloggy or anything.)

Minkydo said...

Love the pictures. I think goats are lovely creatures.

juliana said...

good one!
goats are funny creatures.

jams o donnell said...

Wow that's great. I would love goats on my roof but there's not much up there for them to eat and they would slide off! Sorry for not visiting sooner

Melli said...

Aw! Goats are awesome little critters! Great "G"!