May 25, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge - - Z

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter.
Are you interested in
viewing my earlier letters?

Z is a funny letter. Some people pronounce it zee, and some pronounce it zed, depending where in the world they live. We say zed. It is the last letter in the alphabet, and the last post fur our Alphabet Photo Challenge.

Look close at these piktures.
Do you see the people in them?
Remember... look close at 'em.

Did you find any?
That's cuz there are none.
Zip - Zilch - Zero - Nadda - None!
Mom took these piktures when we were in the Kootenays last May. We went on a nice long walk along the Kalso River Trail and we did see a couple people, but not many. Mom was the only hooman in these spots when we were there and you can 't see her cuz she's behind the camera takin' the piktures.
Sorry I had to trick you, but hey.... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Arf, arf, arf.


Ingrid said...

The whole alphabet you were a brave dog and now at the end you are cheating, lol ! but I admire your phantasy ! BTW a friend of mine had a dog called Zed !
Tell your mom to come to my Writer Cramps I wrote a post about my very first trip to the States in 1971 !! I think we were the first European tourists, lol !

Dr.John said...

Pictures filled with Zip, Zilch, and Zero are all Z pictures I guess. I have hard time thinking like a dog.

Melli said...

Nuttin' like a wise-guy dog! LOL! That was good! You GOT me! Yep! :)

Anonymous said...

Great Z! I actually thought of taking a photo of an empty cerel box nd calling it sero ounces, but I like your take on zilch better!

Good dog! Oh so clever.

Karen Coutu said...

Those are three great Z's!! Well done!

Anonymous said...

LOL, great take on the theme and great pictures of a lovely place!!
It has been a fun photo challenge and enjoyed seeing your pics :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, you had us fooled. We were reallllly looking.

Happy Memorial Day.

juliana said...

that's just the way i like the nature - sans humans!
well done reba (and mom)!

Robert said...

Great use of Z! It's been a fun project, hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Nice images! It looks like a really peaceful place to sit by the river. Maybe you could even take a nap there and catch some "z"'s.

Anonymous said...

Wow... the location looks so excellent and feels like spending some holiday time over there i like the photography too.

Anonymous said...

You guys just make me realize that Z doesn't always have to go with straight BLACK or pure WHITE as in Zebra and the Zip Zilch Zero Nadda Nighttime Sky :) GREEN and Z can go well together for time to time.

Anonymous said...

Nice every pohos i like ti