May 22, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge - - V

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?

I had lots a good ideas fur "V", but Mom didn't have piktures of my of 'em. She had lots of views, but I didn't want to just post views so I mixed things up a lil bit.

This is a view... of ME wading in BX Creek. I don't like to swim but I do love to wade. This was taken June 23, 2007... guess where. Yup, at my favorite dog park. It sure doesn't look like this now, cuz the creek is real high and dirty woof the 'run off' right now.

I guess this is a view too... it's of our vehicle and his name is Vaquero (means Cowboy). That's our friend Dan petting me, and his vehicle is that little car.
Dan's job site, June 23. 2007

I guess this could be called a view too... sigh. Anyway it's vivid colors is the reason I picked it. Wal Mart parking lot, June 23, 2007.

Mom took this in Chilliwack on the way to my Uncle Terry's wedding to Alana. Its colors are also very vivid.
May 11, 2007

I hope you all have a VERY happy day!!

Lots of hooman women who are going to have babies come here, so I thought I'd tell you about a place where you can check out maternity clothes.


Robert said...

I like the wading through the creek picture. Looks like a nice way to cool off.

Anonymous said...

Reba -- each of those photos was of a wonderful view, and including you in one was simply brilliant!

Jientje said...

I love those vibrant coloursof the lavender and the roses! Are they in bloom yet, where you live?

Ingrid said...

You look very nice in the water ! Why don't you want to swim ? lazy boy, lol ! Tomorrow for W you can water the plants ! Just an idea !