May 5, 2008

Manic Monday & Alphabet Photo Challenge - "E"

Hi. Welcome to my dog blog fur another Dogic... errr... Manic Monday. I hope you enjoy it. Today, Morgen (a.k.a. Mo) at It's A Blog Eat Blog World, has given us the word Fresh to post about and have some fun with fur his Manic Monday Meme.

Usually I write words of some kind to post fur Manic Monday, but today I'm doing piktures as a Fresh approach to this meme, and as a way to tie it in with...

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at
Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?

This pikture was taken at the Dog Park yesterday. It's of me and Wolfie! Wolfie is extremely handsome & elegant, and he's fun to play woof. I like that he never tries to get fresh woof me like some of the other boy dogs do. (Do you know what I mean by get fresh woof me, or do I need to spell it out?)

I was at the Dog Park again today and got Mom to take more piktures. Here everyone is exercising in the fresh air.

Now I'm resting cuz I'm over exercised and fresh out of energy. After a while though, I got up and went running around again... as soon as Mom got off the picnic bench and went woof me, arf, arf, arf.

I hope you liked my Manic Monday
and my Alphabet Photo Challenge "E".

Please leave me your comments
(I love hearing what a good dog I am).

Tomorrow is "F" so remember to come back
and see what I
Find Fur F.



Anonymous said...

All tuckered out at the end of the fun. Great Shots. You are a beautiful looking pup.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day at the park.

My first Manic is up.

anthonynorth said...

And it all looked fun.
Nice pics.

Sarge Charlie said...

excellent job of fresh in doggie park

Ivanhoe said...

You are a good dog indeed. I love a walk in the fresh air as well. I will do much more of it as soon as we finish our fence and get our own dog. Have a great Monday!

Melli said...

Gooooooood job Reba! Exercise is GOOD for you -- and you make MOM exercise too!

Karen Coutu said...

It looks like a good time was had by all and someone got tuckered out in that last photo.

Great way to combine two memes!

Ingrid said...

I would call the last picture "Extremely tired" lol !

Durward Discussion said...

You are a good dog. A beautiful dog and if I were there I would throw your ball for you.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

very fresh post! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

maryt/theteach said...

Good dog, Good dog! You did such a good job on your MM post and the Alphabet post! I'd love to give you some Beggin Bits but... Here's a great big smile, though! :D

MaR said...

Wonderful choices for E!!!
I am sure you'll do fab for F!

Marilyn said...

That was fresh take on manic monday... You look like you had a great time. I wish we had a dog park here.

ClancyPants said...

Very fun post! Thanks for stopping by mine.

Looks like you and Wolfie had a great day out at the park!

Anonymous said...

NOW I get it! E is for a fresh ENVIRONMENT! Yay. Reba you are one smart puppy.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have a headache, cut me some slack. YOU were exercise. Alice was environment. I am idiot.

Barb said...

What a good doggy! Your post was fresh & exciting!

Laura Brown said...

Came to visit. Fresh out was a good take on Manic Monday.

Minkydo said...

Great job! You look like you are having fun.

My E is up at E post

Mo and The Purries said...

Reba, your friend Wolfie is very handsome and elegant!
I know you add so much joy and love into your mommie's life!!!!

Not The Mama