May 23, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge - - W is fur Whine

Whine! My slave my secretary... Mom is too tired tonight to be my typist and do the work I need her to do. You see, Rottweiler feet are too big to work right on this little laptop computer. If I do my typing it would look something like this kf;kasdj f;adsjfijdifh ;fadii. So, I hypnotize Mom and take over her body woof my mind so I can say things about her and she won't know about it. Like I can say how mean she is going to bed before I get my "W" post up. And I can say she torchers me by not giving me raw meat all the time. I can also admit that I love her a lot. Whenever she gets out of the truck and goes into a store or something, I sit and watch fur her all the time she's gone.

Anyway... I know Mom has a very big and full day tomorrow, but I think she'll find time to sit here and let me take over her body fur long enough to do my "W" post... so watch fur it!


Dr.John said...

Do we get a picture with the whine? Or should I whine about it?

Karen Coutu said...

Too funny! I'll check back later for the W post. LOL!!

Ingrid said...

One thing is for sure, your mom's truck will never be stolen, lol !

Anonymous said...

By the time I get back for W, I'll be expecting X, too!