May 24, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge -- X

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter. Are you interested in viewing my earlier letters?

It took Mom a real long time to post my W cuz she was "preforming". Yup, she was acting and singing in a special event at the Preforming Arts Centre in our city. So she was busy woof rehearsals then preforming. Soooo to make it up to me fur taking so long to do my work fur me, she gave me a special treat tonight. Yup, she gave me an

eXtra cookie!!!

Hey, I don't know if you'll buy into this one or not, but I sure did and it was very tasty! May the Light be woof you!!

Have you ever thought about having savings accounts? They sure can save you in times of need.


Dr.John said...

You get the award for the tastiest X of the day.

Ingrid said...

Your mom is a genius !! I raked my brain for hours to find a X picture !

Anonymous said...

Reba, you are a very clever dog. Funny, too. You made me laugh.

Karen Coutu said...

Great way to illustrate the letter X! Two paws up!!

Carletta said...

You must have been a very good puppy to get eXtra treats!

Robert said...

Ha ha ha. Very clever approach to X.

juliana said...

hey, you deserved your eXtra treat!

Melli said...

LOL! Actually... I think this is probably the BEST letter you've done yet Reba! I bet you did this one ALL BY YOURSELF!!! Gooooood dog!!!

Janna said...

Wow, those are huge!
You can't criss-cross kitty treats into X-shapes like that.

I bet my cats WISH they could, though!

Anonymous said...

It is a alphabet which is use by many people's. It is the alphabet which is use by rock stars and daring persons.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the 'X' factor in the taste which is shown in picture.