May 3, 2008

Photos Fur 2 Reasons!

About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008, more Photo Hunters posts for today's theme.

The Photo Hunt for today is for TIME!

Alphabet Photo Challenge
originated at
Quilly's Pacific Paradise, and runs for the first 26 days of May. Each day you post photos that you took, that have to do with that days letter.

Being a dog and living in a house woof a bunch of other critters, I thought about posting piktures of Critters or Cockatiel or Chinchillas, then I decided to save things like that fur Camera Critters in case I run out of 'outside' critters and have to fall back on the ones here.

Here are some of Mom's weaknesses, and she loves them any time of the day or night.
Coca-Cola, be it in cans or bottles.

Chocolate ~ and Belgian Dark is the best!

I think it's past time fur Mom to get a farm. She has lots of critters, and here's a new Cow.

Hold on a minute... I'll be right back... it's time fur me to go outside fur a pee.

Ahhh, that's better!
Now it`s time fur me to go eat my cookie and go to bed.

Leave yur nice comments fur me to read. Remember to come back fur the other 23 letters of the alphabet!



jams o donnell said...

Great choices for this week's theme. Your mom has impecccable taste in chocolate (and Rotties too of course!) Have a great weekend

Hootin Anni said...

A huge biscuit for a huge dog! Gotta love this Reba!!!

My photo hunt is something you'd like to view I'm sure. Like Birds? Come on over-----

Barb said...

Interesting & creative take on Time. I took a little Photographic Licence on this week's theme too.

Anonymous said...

Reba, you have a way with the camera and words! Great fun!

Daisy said...

Reba, your cookie looks very delicious!

Sarge Charlie said...

some nice time here

Ingrid said...

Love the little cow ! and the "Belgian" chocolate I don't know, lol have never seen it here in Belgium.

Melli said...

Reba ... i'm sure your favorite "c" is that last one!!! looks delicious! *gag*

Anonymous said...

That Belgian Dark Chocolate Bar is large enough for sharing. Where's my piece?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. You can come play with the kiddos anytime! :)
Oscar the weiner dog will love ya too.

Happy Hunting.

ancient one said...

Wonderful photos and cute comments. So smart to combine two photo hunts!!

storyteller said...

Lovely job combining these two themes/memes! I’ve participated today at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Robert said...

Looks like you were having lots of fun with C.

CastoCreations said...

I'm glad you were able to find time fur a pee. LOL :) That made me giggle.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Reba. I also like drinking Coke just like your mom. I like Coke Zero.

I'm not too fond of dark chocolates but my hubby loves them.

Your mom must have a very interesting cow collection.

Minkydo said...

LOL. What a sweet mom you have who gives you a nice cookie like that :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That was a fun way to talk about time, Reba! :) We hope you enjoyed your dog biscuit. :)