Woof Camera Critters, yur sposed to show photographs you took of critters. I hope it's okay I'm breaking the rules a bit. I didn't take these piktures, but I am in them. I am the Critter in 'em, folks. I am Reba Jane Rottenweiler. Welcome to my dog blog and my Camera Critters post.

Mom took me out today fur some fun. We didn't go to my dog park, but out onto the lake near our house. In the winter time it freezes real lots and people go out there and cut holes in the ice, then they stick stings (Mom calls them lines) through into the water and hope fishies will bite 'em and get pulled up onto the ice. Today people was driving on the lake woof their '4 wheelers' and 'dirt bikes', and later in the winter people will drive out there in cars and trucks, when the ice is frozen even thicker. Sometimes there are car races out on this lake. I hope they get good
car insurance quote befur they drive out there, just in case they fall through the ice. Last winter, Mom & I drove out onto the lake just a little bit in our truck. Mom was very nervous driving on the lake, but just 'had' to do it so she could say she had, arf arf arf. Maybe we'll do it again this year and get better piktures fur you than we did last year.
Mom has to go now, so I gotta too. I'll be back real soon to finish this post. Bark!!
I'm Baaaaackkkkk. (arf, arf, arf)
Arriving we find lots of vehicles already there, some are in this pikture. You can see right out onto the lake.

Here I'm sayin' hello to some people out here skating.

Off to meet some other people who are headed into shore. They are dragging a thing behind them that they sit in to keep warm while they ice fish.

Come on, Mom. Hurry! There's even more people out here fur me to go say hi to and see what they're doin. Wanna see if they caught any of those ice fishies today.

Mom said it was too far to walk woof low boots on in deep snow, so we didn't walk out there, but Mom took piktures woof her zoom fur me. There is one of those '4 wheelers' I mentioned earlier.

These next 2 piktures are me, playin' in the snow.

Hey look what I found!! A frozen-over-again-ice-fishing-hole!

Time to head back to shore. Next time Mom better remember her mittens and hat, maybe a scarf too. (Unless yur the Lead Dog, the view never changes.)
Here I am getting close to land again... just on the edge of the lake. There's one of those 'dirt bike' things. I saw him ride in, and it sure would be fun to run woof him and see if I could out run that machine of his. It turned out he was kinda cute, so maybe I could've caught him fur Mom, arf arf arf.

Hi! Kin I have those mittens? My Mom's hands are getting cold so we gotta leave, but maybe if she had nice mittens we could stay longer and I could keep playing around.
Gee, more of those 'dirt bikes'.

Mom's calling me... gotta git into the truck and leave. Drat!

The road that leads away...