TAILS - "This Time Of Year"
Tell what you do or don't like about this time of year.
NEXT week's theme/prompt is:
HEADS - "Watch"
Make a post in any form using "Watch" as your theme/prompt.
What a woofenderful time of year this is. Fur a dog it's really not a lot different than any other time of the year, I must admit, but it seems that lots of peoples are happier this time of year, and reaching out to other peoples to help them. It should be like this all year round, and yet it seems its not. Peoples want to give more to each other and to the 'needy' at Christmas time.
There are also lots of cool movies on TV fur my Mom 'Bean to watch. Tonight she is watching a movie called "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddy's Island Adventure. Cousin Eddy has a handsome boy rottenweiler that I would like to go play woof. He play an important part in the movie, as I think all rottenweilers should. He is a very good dog, and it's good fur peoples to see how nice we rottenweilers really are. We are not all mean, only the ones what have been hurt and mistreated by hoomans are mean and nasty like that. Cousin Eddy treats his dog real good, just like my Mom does woof me.
I loves my Mom 'Bean. Woof!!