Dec 19, 2008

Christmas Stuffing, and not a turkey

Thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday. It sure was, but I would have liked to go fur a walk at my dog park and play woof my friends, but it was too cold out fur Mom to want to go there, or be outside much at all. Oh well, it was a happy day anyway, just bein' woof Mom.

Woof Christmas coming soon, Mom has been looking fur the best buy on anything that will be good presents fur her family what she has to buy stuff fur. She even got me & Mewsic (the cat) each something, but I don't know what it is in those bags. She was going to get the rest of the critters something special too, but now she has to pay off a big vet bill cuz of Cherry Chinchilla, so she said that food can be considered the Christmas presents fur all us critters this year. Oh well, it's just another day anyway.

On Christmas day, Mom goes away fur almost the whole day, and she leaves me home... OUTSIDE!! Ya, I got a dog house to go into, but hey... I mean, it's not heated ya know! I wish she'd just stay home woof us like on other days, but she said she has to spend time woof her human family too, and that I can't stay inside the house all the time cuz I gots to go potties. Darn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reba, you woof at your mom-bean until she goes to the military surplus store and gets you one of those heat reflecting survival blankets, and tacks it up on the walls of your dog house. Then your own body heat will heat your dog house!