Feb 29, 2008
Truck Riding
Anyway, so Mom & PatZ and I went fur this walk up at the farm, and Hugh came and joined us fur part of the walk. It was so wonderful and I felt so good after it. Mom felt good too, in her mind and her heart and her body.
It sure is a good thing we have car insurance on the truck or it would be not legal to drive it anywhere. Mom needs to get more soon cuz it runs out this month.
Feb 24, 2008
We Drove On Water - 2
There is one more pikture that Mom took when we got closer to the land again, just before we drove from the ice back onto good old ground. I think I'll let her post that one on her blog, after all, I'm a dog, not a hog, so I must share... arf, arf, arf.
Reba J. Rottenweiler
When we're outside like that, we get to breath fairly fresh air, and that's nice. Mom and I look forward to when we can open the house windows wide and let the winter air out of the house, and the fresh air in. Another way, of course, is to get one of those air purifiers.
We Drove On Water
Here, we're looking out at some of the vehicles that are on the lake.
Now, I'm gonna post these and then put some more in another post fur you.
Posted by Reba J. Rottenweiler
I know all those people out there have car insurance, but I don't know if that would pay out for something like having your vehicle break through the ice and end up at the bottom of the lake. I wonder how many of them also have life insurance.
Feb 21, 2008
Friday's Feast
Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? If so, what did you do and who was your victim?
Reba: I like to chase Shadow. That's a fun and very practical joke!
What do your salt and pepper shakers look like?
Shadow: I am a cat... Reba is a dog. Therefor, we don't have salt and pepper shakers. Would they make good toys to play with? If so, we could buy Mom to get us some.
Where is the next place you plan to visit (on vacation or business)?
Reba: I attempt to go anywhere and everywhere Mom goes. Doesn't always work, but it makes a great vacation for me when I get to go.
Shadow: I was born in this house, the only times I've been off this property is to the vet about 4 times, and I'd rather forget those traumatic events, thanks. Just leave me home and let me die here too... and let Mom stay home with me all the time.
Main Course
What kind of lotion or cream do you use to keep your hands from getting too dry?
Reba & Shadow: We don't have hands and we don't use lotion!!!
Make up a dessert, tell us its ingredients, and give it a name.
Critter Comfort
Take 2 pounds raw steak. Cut it into bite size pieces. Feed to your dog and/or cat. We'll, umm, errrr, they'll love you!
Please leave us your Kind Critter Comments.
Your words brighten our day!!
Here is a website for you to check out if you enjoy real estate.
Georgia land for sale
Feb 20, 2008
Message in a Bottle Meme
So, here are the rules:
You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the Message In a Bottle meme and your creation on your blog along with these rules
5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.) - don´t forget to leave your link at Mimi´s Home to be added to the master list!

We're going to join Mom and her hooman friends at her church in a no whining challenge thing. Mom told her minister, Rev. Dale, about this thing and gave him some info about it. She suggested they start something at church like this and he said yes, if she'll take it on. She's gonna do it, and we want to too.
Now to tag other bloggers like the rules say:
1 - Sparky & White Cat @ Sparky's Blog
2 - Dragonheart and Merlin - Two Magical Sphynx
3 - Vic Grace at Cariboo Ponderer
4 -
5 -
We got company so didn't get to finish the pickin' others to do it. Maybe tomorrow.
A Love Letter
Feb. 19, 2008
Hello Sweetheart;
I miss you so, and for now the only contact I can have with you is through letters and in my dreams. Sometimes, when we've been together, I wake up to find myself in my bed with my cat & no sign of you. Whenever I can, I roll over & go back to sleep, to look for you, to be with you once again. Some days, 1 hour, 2 hours, even 5 hours after I get out of bed I find myself going to lie down, to have a nap. I think that much of the time it is because my moments with you are so much better, so much happier & more incredible than my real life. I so look forward to being in your arms again, to feeling your love for me, and to loving you too.
I go now to feed my animals. to get them & myself ready for me to go to bed. I will soon be in the world of Dreamland, my love. I hope to find you there.
Love Always,
Lately, Mom writes love letters to her soul mate that she hasn't met yet. She says she knows God knows who he is and is bringing them together now. I think this letter started out to be a love letter to that soul mate, and became a love letter to the man in her dreams.

Mom has had some problems with drippy tap in the bathtub, so Dan keeps changing the rubber thingy inside it. One day she'll have to buy new faucets, but hasn't found any around here to fit, so is going to check out Delta faucets. Maybe they'll have some that will work for us.
Feb 15, 2008
Photo Hunters
About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008, more Photo Hunters posts for today's theme.
The Photo Hunt for today is for FREE!
If you want to see a bigger photo, just click on it and it will get big.
Thanks for coming to visit our blog this week for Photo Hunters. We, Shadow and I, hope you come visit us often. We wish you a joy filled week.

Feb 14, 2008
Friday's Feast #21

The Friday's Feast website is down due to technical troubles, so Waterloo put one up for us. Thanks Waterloo.
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs & Catz
Reba - I'm absolutely crazy about raw meat, any kind will do but I especially love the free range beef Mom sometimes gives to me.
Shadow - Well, I'm with Reba on the raw meat, though I prefer the beef liver. It's soooo tasty!
Salad - What's that nickname you don't want anybody to know about? C'mon!
Reba - I don't have one that I don't like cuz they're all filled with love.
Shadow - The one I don't really care for is Pussy.
Reba - I'm a good dog, so only want to go where Mom goes, even if that means never leaving our town.
Shadow - I was born in this house and will be 17 on April 28th. I was off the property about 4 times in my whole life, to go to the vet. That is more traveling than I would have liked to do. I just want to stay here. Meow!
Dessert - Your favourite pet peeve?
Reba - a "pet" peeve? I get grumpy when Mom plays with some of her other pets... and especially when she pets someone else's pet, like Angel the little floor mop.
Shadow - and my "pet" peeve is when Reba chases me. I'm too old for that shi*!
Please leave us your Critter Love & Comments.
Your words brighten our day.
I've Been Up To No Good
Today, Mom put me out when she got company about 10:30am, then it was a little after 3pm when she let me back inside. That was much better. I went into the kitchen and found a very nice smelling sandwich sitting on the counter. I was sure Mom had made it for me, though I wasn't sure why she'd have put lettuce in my sandwich. I'm a dog, and dogs don't eat lettuce. I was sniffing it and just about to bite into it when I heard a loud, growl-like noise behind me. That's when I realized maybe Mom made the sandwich for herself. I quickly exited into the living room again.
At the rate I'm going lately, I might need something to strengthen what is called the wei qi, or the defensive energy of the body against disease. Maybe I should check out Astragalus. Regarded as a fundamental tonic herb, it's a good source of selenium, an antioxidant and immune system stimulant.
Feb 10, 2008
Manic Monday - Heart

The word we get to use today, given to us by Mo (It's A Blog Eat Blog World) is heart. We were going to talk to you about how our Mom sometimes feeds us raw beef heart, but Mom thought that might gross some people out, even though we love heart and liver, as well as any other raw meets. So, now, what can a dog and cat team tell you about hearts? We don't want to talk about something as sad and negative as heart disease, so we'll just hope you have a healthy heart as we all do.

The heart is the 'organ of love', which we think was a good choice.
Can you imagine if the liver had been chosen instead?
Singing a romantic song: "I left my liver.... in San Fransisco. High on a hill, it calls to me...."
or the kidney?
How romantic when your lover whispers to you, "I love you with all my kidney".
or even the bladder?
"Oh darling, my bladder is overflowing with love for you!" How romantic is that?
So we are happy that the heart was chosen cuz it sounds so much better, in our furry opinions.
We love you with all our hearts, and we thank you for coming to our Manic Monday.
Our wish for you is that you get your hearts desire, whatever that might be.
With Love,
Reba & Shadow

Feb 9, 2008
Photo Hunters

About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008, more Photo Hunters posts for today's theme.
Welcome to this weeks Photo Hunters. Today the theme word is heavy. I thought about showing you a picture of Shadow, but... well... "he's not heavy, he's my brother"... so I decided to show you this one. It was taken at Auntie Colleen's house. That's me and my 'cousin' Goose. Goose is a good dog, but a light weight compared to me... so I'm heavy compared to him.
Of course, if you want to see a larger copy of the photo, just click on it.
Posted by Reba J. Rottenweiler
Feb 1, 2008
Photo Hunters

About Photo Hunters, Photo Hunters Themes 2008, more Photo Hunters posts for today's theme.
The 'word' for today is narrow. The wheel base on this 1905 Oriental Buckboard is very narrow. It's got a tiny motor in the back. The tires and the seat are also very narrow. Mom & I saw this at a car show last May, and she took these piktures.

Thank you for coming to visit and for leaving us your
Critter Love & Kind Comments!
Car Angel

Car Angel is a non-profit organization that takes donations of cars, boats, RVs, planes or houses, and they use the proceeds to help children and teens all over the USA. Videos are made that have messages for children and teens, including the message of not doing drugs, as you will see in the following video here on my blog. To date, Car Angel has given away over 2.4 million videos.
If you have a car you no longer want, and don't want to be bothered trying to sell it, in the words of Car Angel: "donate car".