Feb 21, 2008

Friday's Feast

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Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? If so, what did you do and who was your victim?

Reba: I like to chase Shadow. That's a fun and very practical joke!


What do your salt and pepper shakers look like?

Shadow: I am a cat... Reba is a dog. Therefor, we don't have salt and pepper shakers. Would they make good toys to play with? If so, we could buy Mom to get us some.


Where is the next place you plan to visit (on vacation or business)?

Reba: I attempt to go anywhere and everywhere Mom goes. Doesn't always work, but it makes a great vacation for me when I get to go.

Shadow: I was born in this house, the only times I've been off this property is to the vet about 4 times, and I'd rather forget those traumatic events, thanks. Just leave me home and let me die here too... and let Mom stay home with me all the time.

Main Course

What kind of lotion or cream do you use to keep your hands from getting too dry?

Reba & Shadow: We don't have hands and we don't use lotion!!!


Make up a dessert, tell us its ingredients, and give it a name.

Critter Comfort

Take 2 pounds raw steak. Cut it into bite size pieces. Feed to your dog and/or cat. We'll, umm, errrr, they'll love you!


Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave us your Kind Critter Comments.
Your words brighten our day!!


Here is a website for you to check out if you enjoy real estate.
Georgia land for sale


Ingrid said...

You still could use "paw" lotion. For Reba I suggest nice cow poop and for Shadow greasy oil spots. Cat Arthur likes to walk in there !

Jen said...

The dessert sounds good! lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi Reba and Shadow! You two are absolutely GORGEOUS! Both of you look and sound like total sweethearts!

I think salt and pepper shakers could make good toys, just as long as Mommy buys some that are made out of something that won't break easily.

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! :)

*scritchies* and *treats* (Shh, don't tell Mom! Heehee!)

Unknown said...

You can play with the salt and pepper shakers as long as you keep the lid on.

Feel welcome to visit my feast at

Laane on the World

Have a great weekend!!!

Mitchypoo said...

Very cute feast! Happy Feasting!

Marsha said...

Ginger lives with me... she's a dog... she loves your dessert!

Mr. Woody K. Nibs lives with us too. He's a cat. He doesn't care!

Fun feast! Have a terrific weekend!

Woof (Ginger)

Meow (Woody K.)

Anonymous said...

Reba and Shadow, Happy Friday Feast!
Enjoy the steak!

Maybe your mom would like some of our recipes!

peppylady (Dora) said...

You to are funny and I'll stop in for photo hunt this Saturday.

Melanie said...

Cute feast! I enjoyed it.
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