Feb 24, 2008

We Drove On Water

This morning I went to Church with Mom, as I often do. Oh, I can't actually go inside, but I like to go anyway and wait in the truck fur her. Then when we were coming home, we stopped at a store so Mom could pick up a few things. After that we were on our way out the highway to where we live and Mom saw some vehicles out on the lake. Just then, we came up to the only public road that goes to that lake, and yup.... we turned down that road. Of course, Mom had her camera and took piktures. Any of them that you click on will get bigger fur you.

Here, we're looking out at some of the vehicles that are on the lake.

Then Mom drove out onto the lake too.

These cars are racing out there on the ice of the frozen lake!!

And these are the trucks and trailers that pull the race cars around.

It sure is purrrrty out here! (There's some cat speak fur you)

Now, I'm gonna post these and then put some more in another post fur you.

Posted by Reba J. Rottenweiler


I know all those people out there have car insurance, but I don't know if that would pay out for something like having your vehicle break through the ice and end up at the bottom of the lake. I wonder how many of them also have life insurance.

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