Feb 14, 2008

Friday's Feast #21

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The Friday's Feast website is down due to technical troubles, so Waterloo put one up for us. Thanks Waterloo.

Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs & Catz

Appetizer - The world is coming to an end. There's no way out. You only have time to say one thing to one person you know. What would you say, and to whom?

Reba & Shadow - We talked this over and both of us would say "I love you" to our Mom. We always tell her how much we love her.

Soup - Name something you're absolutely crazy about.

Reba - I'm absolutely crazy about raw meat, any kind will do but I especially love the free range beef Mom sometimes gives to me.
Shadow - Well, I'm with Reba on the raw meat, though I prefer the beef liver. It's soooo tasty!

- What's that nickname you don't want anybody to know about? C'mon!

Reba - I don't have one that I don't like cuz they're all filled with love.
Shadow - The one I don't really care for is Pussy.

Main Course - Which country would you like to visit, and why?

Reba - I'm a good dog, so only want to go where Mom goes, even if that means never leaving our town.
Shadow - I was born in this house and will be 17 on April 28th. I was off the property about 4 times in my whole life, to go to the vet. That is more traveling than I would have liked to do. I just want to stay here. Meow!

- Your favourite pet peeve?

Reba - a "pet" peeve? I get grumpy when Mom plays with some of her other pets... and especially when she pets someone else's pet, like Angel the little floor mop.
Shadow - and my "pet" peeve is when Reba chases me. I'm too old for that shi*!

See more posts here:
Friday's Feast official home.

Please leave us your Critter Love & Comments.
Your words brighten our day.

Note from Shadow: Now that this Friday's Feast is done, I'm sleepy. I think I'll go find a nice cat bed and have a nap.


CHIKAI ♥ said...

oh i though "horny" is the nickname of the day but here comes "pussy" hehehe! nice answers! ;) mine's up here

Anonymous said...

Hehe..You made me smile! Nice answers:) And thanks for stopping by!

CHIKAI ♥ said...

opps. something's wrong with the link. it's here.

Serena said...

I always forget this blog is "written" by a dog and a cat. When I saw the answer to Soup, I almost ... err, better not say it. :D

Thanks for your feast.


Patti said...

Haha! Great feast! :) I especially liked your desserts! :)

Ingrid said...

You are right Shadow, you have the same age as my Lisa and she too doesn't like that somebody chases her around !

Anonymous said...

Great answers... Happy feasting... Mine is ready.