Mar 27, 2008

Friday's Feast #23

Friday's Feast


What does the color dark green make you think of?

Grass. When my tummy doesn't feel good I eat green grass and it makes me puke up whatever is bothering me. It's a cool trick we dogs do.


How many cousins do you have?

I don't know how many dog cousins I might have... but I know I have 8 hooman cousins. My Mom 'Bean's nieces an' nephews.


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you?

'Bout a 7. I never ever lie, but I guess being a thief counts against me. I steal food off the counter whenever I can and the other night Mom 'Bean was so tired that she left her bag of mixed nuts where I could get my lips on it. I ate every last one.

Main Course

Name something that is truly free.

Anything I can get my doggy lips on, arf, arf, arf.


Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence.

Sleep Peacefully In Nice Glen.


Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave us your Kind Critter Comments.
Your words brighten our day!!



Mitchypoo said...

Hi Reba, missed you! Your Dessert is nice and peaceful! Enjoy FF!

Ingrid said...

Cats eat grass too ! I call them my little cows !

mari said...

happy FF, thanks for dropping by!

Marsha said...

My Ginger is jealous of you... she wants her own blog! She's very honest except for stealing the cat's food when she can get away with it.

Nice feast!

Kara said...

Great feast :)

Melanie said...

I loved your feast! So much fun to read.

anthonynorth said...

Now that's a feast to make you think.