Mom `Bean goes to her Toastmasters meetings on Monday nights, and I`m not allowed to use the computer while she`s not here. This means I never get to play this Heads or Tails game. Tonight Mom is home cuz it`s Easter Monday and there is no Toastmasters. This might be the only time I get to play, but I`m gonna take advantage of it and play tonight. Arf!
Follow this link to read what Heads or Tails is about, or to find other players of the game.
Tonight, it`s HEADS and the word is SURPRISE!! Well, tonight I got a surprise, all right.
Guess what!! Mom `Bean just told me a surprise... that things are gonna change around here, and not just cuz of my new dog run that I told you about in my last post.
It turns out that Don and Angel (I`ve told you `bout them... Angel is a ShitZoo) who have been living here in our travel trailer for 4 months, are probably leaving. If he gets a job driving big truck they`ll be traveling all over in that truck and so will live in it mostly. And if he doesn`t get that job, then he`ll move away to where he used to live to look fur a new job there. Mom`s gonna move the travel trailer up onto this level of the yard and use it as a tack room fur her saddles and horsey stuff like that. That`s why my `now`run is gonna be made smaller and I`m getting the big new run.
Okay... so that`s cool news. But there`s more. Someone else is coming here woof his trailer and is putting it where Mom`s little trailer is now. He`s gonna live in his trailer and shower in our house like Don and Angel have been doing. And guess what!! Len has a Boxer puppy about one and a half years old. She`s named Unique. He was talking about leaving her in the trailer while he`s away working every day and Mom said no way can he do that to the poor dawg. She said he has to put her into my run woof me. I don`t know if I should be happy and excited, or if I should be scared, arf arf. You see, I turned nine in December, so I`m seven and a half years older than Unique is. I`ve got a lot of energy and I move around a lot, but a Boxer puppy could wear me right out... every day!!! I might have to beg Mom to let me in the house fur me to have some peace and rest after a bit.
So, what do you think about that fur a surprise... a Boxer puppy!!
The way everything is being moved around here, it makes me think of New York Moving Company. We don`t live in New York, but if you do and are moving, check it out.
Wow....whole bunches of new things happenin' for you! And a new playmate.....cool!!!!
HoT day...have a great one. Hope you can find time to drop by and visit me too.
Unique is a very unique surprise, that´s for sure, Reba!
I´m sure your mommy will let you in the house if you need some rest...
but I guess you won´t need to being the live wire you are. ;-)
LOL, too funny!
OoOooo.. having company is so much fun!
Do you know how to surprise a Boxer named Unique? U-neek up on it. *groan*
Welcome to Heads Or Tails. I'm adding you to the blogroll right now. Head on over to the HoT page for info on how to email me for the code and join the Notify List. :)
WooHooo those are certainly some neat surprises!
I hope you have a great Tuesday.
You are surprising me! Lucky you!
A nice young one to keep you fit.
You can find my heads or tails: ::here::
Have a great day!
Well, you sure have lots of exciting news. We'll be looking forward to reading more as the changes are made around your house.
Great to hear that you are traveling. As a home based travel agent working in the travel agent business opportunity field, I like to hear when peopel travel. Especially in today's economy! Happy travels.
I've heard of Toastmasters before. I think that is some kind of intelligent group? I'm not sure. But, sounds fun though!
Great post thanks for it!
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