I've been tagged! Nope, not with a dog tag for my collar, but with a meme thing for my blog. Vic Grace @
Cariboo Ponderer tagged me. When I went to copy the rules I thought there was something confusing and not right about them, so I went back several blogs, seeing the changes in the name and the rules. So I decided to adopt the old rules and the older name.
Random 8 Meme.The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
8 Random facts about mE.1- I'm pure breed, but have no papers to prove it.
2- I saved my adopted hooman Mom about $900 by coming to her without papers.
3- I love eating raw meat.
4- I love doggy treats.
5- I have a really shiny black fur coat.
6- I love going for rides in Mom's truck.
7- I'll be 9 hooman years (about 63 dawg years) on my next Barkday, December 14th! And most people that meet me think I'm still just a pup cuz I'm healthy and look great fur my age.
8- I like being a blog dog. I've been asked different times how I type with my big paws. Well, I have my own personal assistant that does the typing for me, but this is still MY blog.
Geee... now to choose 8 people, or animals, to tag. I can do this.
1- Claire at
Claire's Garden. Claire & her friend Debra Ann are members of my fan club. We really met in real life when Mom took me to the Kootenay region of BC, and Claire was visiting there from her home in Scotland. Mom says that's a long way away from where we live.
2- Auntie Bee (Empress Bee of the High Sea) @
Muffin533- Jersey, the
Furry Diva, cuz she did such a good job of the last one I tagged her with.
4- Bobbie & Bunch @
Cats ~ Goats ~ Quotes5-
Crazy Working Mom is one of my Mom's friends, whoof!
Shaz & The Danes cuz I haven't seen 'em in awhile.
7- Sparky @
Sparky's Blog I just followed some linkies that took me to meet Sparky and I think we should get to know each other, so I'm taggin' him for this porpoise.
8- Chester @
Of Bones, Balls, Barks & Burps. I sniffed out this dog blog thru a linkie from Sparky's dog blog. I starting to meet lots more dogs online. Woofnderful!!
I hope everyone chooses to join in the fun and do this taggy thing. It's is everyones choice, so you can agree or not. It's fun to do though and it helps to get to know each other better.