Oct 11, 2007

A Thank You and An Apology

First I want to thank Vic Grace (Cariboo Ponderer) for this honor, she gave me this beautiful award, the very first one I got fur my dog blog. Second I apologize to Vic for taking so long to put it up. I was gonna think who to send it to then I got chewing bones and furgot all about blogging. Sheeeesh!

This award is for bloggers who shine their light throughout the Blogoshere. Some do it with humor, others with creativity, and others with their kind and thoughtful natures. We all know more than a few of them so why not give them some recognition?

Here's what to do if you receive this:
  • Proudly display it on your blog along with a link to who gave it to you.
  • Mention that it originated at Skittles' Place so she can follow it's journey.
  • Pass it on to any blogger(s) you think should have it.

Claire @ Claire's Garden. I love all the pretty pictures she posts of horses and flowers and yummy looking veggies.
Gattina @ Writer Cramps. I love humor.
Not The Mama & all the kitty cats over at Purrrchance To Dream. Always a cool place to visit.


Ingrid said...

Woof you for this special bone ! What a nice thought to give it to me ! It's the first time I am a Star ! But I promise you I won't behave like some of them !
I will put it in my sidebar !

If you were my neighbor you would get a big bone freshly from the butcher each Sunday ! I give it to my neighbor's dog Yanouk who is a very big boy a Bernese Mountain Dog of 132 lbs, and he loves my cats, lol !

clairesgarden said...

what a nice generous dog, an extra hug for you!!

Lori said...

LOL...great feast. Happy FF.