Oct 14, 2007

Comment Moderation

Hello all my dear internet friends and guests. You will notice when you leave your comments that I have resorted to comment moderation... no weird letter combinations for you to type in, but you will not see your comments until after I read them and allow them to be shown. By the same token, you will not see any spam comments here again.

Unfortunately some people, hiding behind anonymous comments or blocking their blogs to anyone they have not authorized, have been leaving spam on my blog. I will not allow this on my blog!!

These people obviously do not really believe in what they are spamming us with or they would leave their names and links where they can be contacted. Anyone who does not do this does not stand behind or have the conviction of what they are selling or preaching. I feel sorry for this kind of person that feels they must spam others with a lot of 'crap'!

This comment moderation should cause no one any inconvenience except the spammers. I wish you all a wonderful day.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well alrighty then honey! at least we don't have to do that awful word verification, right? sorry you got spammed...

smiles, auntie bee

Travis Cody said...

I understand the comment moderation. And thanks for not doing the word verification!

Kathy N said...

I had to do the same thing on my blog. Sad, really. They obviously have nothing better to do.

Lizzy said...

Sorry about getting spammed. I hope it won't happen again. Have a good day!
