Nov 20, 2008


Whoof!! So, how are you folks today. I've been missing you lately. You must all be very busy. That seems to be going around lately. Bark.

I sure am glad I have a nice fur coat to wear every day, all day. It's getting cold where I live and I can't always stay inside the house where it's warm. I am happy that I get to live in the house a lot of the time, though.

I hope we get to go to the dog park tomorrow. Mom took me there a couple days ago and I sure liked having my walk again. I could go there every day if I had the chance. Some of the dogs I see there are so over weight that it must be unhealthy fur them. I sure am happy I still have my puppyish figure. I guess that's cuz I am a very active dog and get lots of exercise. My "Mom 'Bean" said I will never need Lipovox to help me burn fat like some people do. I would get more exercise right here at home if Mom would quit yelling at me when I start to chace the cat. Arf, arf, arf. Whoof!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had more time in my day to take my Australian Shepperd out. He has put on a few pounds lately I need to work on that