Dec 18, 2007


I'm very happy and excited today!!! I finally get to tell you what I've been noticing over the last few days. Mom is getting healthier!! She seems more awake and is obviously not in as much pain as she usually is!!! This makes me VERY happy cuz I loves my Mom.

Wanna know why she's feeling better?? She's taking a new product... not just new to her, but pretty new on the market too. To save money on the product Mom signed up as a distributor of the product. Now that she's feeling the start of the benefits from it, she's decided to tell people about it so they can get feelin' better too... and peoples they love too. I think every hooman should go read Mom's web site and watch the cool videos there too.


Ingrid said...

That's good news for you especially because now you can chase her around and she has to run with you, no more excuses !

Julie said...

I hope you continue to benefit from this product! Good for you for finding it!

Lizzy said...

That's great! I'm so glad your mom is feeling healthier!
