Dec 27, 2007

Friday's Feast #18

Whoof!!! It's your dynamic doggy chef returned to create a culinary delight for you all to enjoy. Welcome to my last feast of 2007!
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

Name 2 things you would like to accomplish in 2008.

I wanna eat a roast beef all by myself.
I wanna go to the dog park more often.
Have a
Samsonite suitcase full of dog cookies.
Ya, ya, ya... I know that's three things. I may be a dog but I can still count. Woof!!

With which cartoon character do you share personality traits?

Ummmm.... maybe Goofy. We're both dogs and I can act silly at times.

What time of day (or night) were you born?

I dunno, my eyes were closed.... and I'm adopted so I can't find out.

Main Course
Tell us something special about your hometown.

I was born on a farm out in the country, and now I live out in the country in another place where I've lived with the lady I call Mom, she adopted me when I was 7 weeks old and I've lived in this place all my life after that first 7 weeks. So I don't know what my home town is, but I know that it's real nice living around here and the town I was born near isn't very far from the city I live near now. Well, not very far in Mom's truck, but would be real far if I had to walk it.

If you could receive a letter from anyone in the world, who would you want to get one from?

The Queen of England, cuz I bet in all the 50 years or so of being a Queen, she's never written to a dawg and I think that's just plain sad. I think it would be good for her to have the opportunity before Chuck takes over the thrown.

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave me your Barks, Woofs, Licks and other signs of love.
Your words brighten my day.

HAPPY 2008!!!


Ingrid said...

I am not so sure about THE Queen she loves dogs so much ! and I am sure she would rather write to you or other dogs then to humans ! (not to my cats either !)

Anonymous said...

Lol, loved your feast. Nice dessert.

Dallas Meow said...

I'll have to post a pic of our Homer - he's a cutie like you.

Anonymous said...

Woof! Woof! LOL Good luck on your appetizer!:) More food of course:)

Sandee said...

Hi Reba girl. I hope you get everything you cited in your appetizer. I'm sure mom wouldn't mind. Have a great FF and weekend my furry friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are good things to do... Who knows,maybe Elizabeth will write you a letter!

Sounds like your hometown is where your mom is!

**"Liza"** said...

Happy feat!..thanks for sharing..;)
Happy Feast! Have a wonderful New Year too! ;)
Mine here

Jennifer said...

Great feast this week, Reba! You're such a sweet doggie! Head on over to my feast, if you'd like! Happy Weekend to you!

Jennifer :-)