Dec 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

These were taken December 11 at my favorite dog park. Just wanted to show you what it looks like with snow on the ground. It's not all that deep yet this year. Some melted since then but then it snowed again today. We've been gettin' up there just before dark lately, so these were kinda dark but I had Mom brighten then up a bit so I could show them to you. We'll get more one day soon.

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Week!!!!

Check out Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

Please help me earn more doggy cookies.... go check out this site about light fixtures. Whoof! Whoof!!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Stay safe and warm with all that snow, Reba! Happy Holidays to you and yours. :)

David said...

So thats what snow looks like! We live in the tropics so not much snow here.

Have a great WW!!!

jams o donnell said...

Looks like a fun place to play. I bet it's cold though. Happy woofless wednseday and a happy xmas to you

Ingrid said...

Not very much snow yet, here we don't haved snow very often don't even remember when it was the last time. Do you like to dig in the snow ?? Cat Arthur loves to make little holes and as he is white I only see a walking tail !

Anonymous said...

snow... i like snow!

Lizzy said...

You got snow! I wish we had snow. All of ours melted already. :(

Happy Holidays!
