Jan 31, 2008

Friday's Feast #20

Whoof!!! It's your dynamic doggy chef returned to create a culinary delight for you all to enjoy.
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

Meow... this feast is also purrrrfect for the cats that dine here.

What is your favorite kind of cereal?

Shadow - I like the kind with milk in it.

Reba - Cereal? If that's some kind of people food, I like all of it.

When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?

Shadow & Reba - We don't buy stuff furrr the house. That's our hoomans job. We tell her what we want and she buys it.

What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?

Shadow - I don't watch TV. I prefer to just curl up on Mom and sleep. If I did, I'm sure it would be something about a cat.

Reba - I used to like the one where the big dog walked and the street bounced. He was selling some kind of dog food. Maybe Kibbles and Bits.

Main Course
Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).

Shadow - Cumin Cat

Reba - Dill Dog

Fill in the blank: I haven’t ______ since ______.

Shadow - I haven't had tuna since so long ago I can only remember the taste and aroma.

Reba - I haven't had a dog cookie since last night at bed time.

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave us your Critter Love & Comments.
Your words brighten our day.


Ingrid said...

I just had to scroll through your blog to meet Shadow ! (You are a beautiful cat, you remind me Smudge the cat of my friend in England also called "The door mat" because he was always laying between a door and we had to climb over him) I am happy Reba that your sibling is a cat, that means you love cats too ! Very nice indeed ! Now you can come with Shadow to my cat blog and meet all my cats !

Rach said...

It's good you both have a lovely mom to look after you so well!

Anonymous said...

I am new here so I had to think hard who is what here. :D

Thanks for sharing your feast.
