Jan 23, 2008

Thursday 13

This is my first one of these and once Mom reads it, it could be my last. Whoof!!


The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!

Whoof! Glad you could make it to my doggy bloggy today. I'm gonna post 13 things Mom needs to do in this messy house we live in. Arf, arf, arf. (laughing) I admit that I don't help her woof keeping it clean and tidy, but I don't have to.... I'm a dog.

1- clean all the papers off the couch

2- take the plant pot full of dirt off the couch

3- clean off the sofa chair of various 'stuff'

4- clean the cages (2 budgie cages woof 3 budgies, 4 chinchilla cages woof 5 chins, 1 rabbit cage woof 1 rabbit)

5- vacuum the floor

6- put away the stack of new plant pots that she bought months ago and they're still in the living room

7- clear off the little table in the living room where she works on her computer

8- find the kitchen table. We know it's in that other room under that heap of 'stuff' but haven't seen it in awhile

9- get rid of heaps of shi... ummmm, stuff off the kitchen floor

10- dig out the stove and the kitchen counter from under more stuff

11- wash kitchen floor

12- put rug onto the kitchen floor. Someone gave it to Mom and she wants to hide the ugly lino

13- clean the bathroom

Trust me, this is just part of the To Do List... but it's Thursday 13, not Thursday 113. Arf, arf, arf.


Melanie said...

Your Mom has a lot to do..with your help..of course. :)

Anonymous said...

Mama's work is cut out for her:)

Anonymous said...

Nice list! Welcome to TT.

Ingrid said...

Don't bother, nothing is important in this list except n° 4 that is very important ! Clean the cages !!! I come over and check !

Kristina Knight said...

...and if this was my dogs' blog there would be a 14 - take a couple of toys to the bedroom, replace the pillows with the toys and play with the pillows.

Happy TT!!