Today Mom was on the beach all day and got a sunburn. She isn't the kind that goes to the beach usually, but she went today cuz of the dragon boat races. She's going tomorrow too fur the whole day again. She makes me stay home while she goes out and does this stuff. I'd like to go to the beach to, ya know, but she said there's no one to look after me when she's in the boat and she can't take me in the boat. Not that they're out in the boat fur very long. They gets in the boat, paddles out to the start line, then when the horn honks they paddle like crazy fur a little over 2 minutes, then they cross the finish line and paddle back to shore. But Mom says I can't go and that I'm better off at home in my dog run. Poop!! Oh well, "Mother knows best", and at least she's not taking any of her other critters woof her either. Now that would really cheese me off! Hmmmm... speaking of cheese.... I think I'll go eat. Nite!

Reba, I've told you about my Yellow Lab named George? Well, he had a pink nose, and dogs with pink noses have to be careful because they will burn. The vet gave us a special cream to put on Georgie's nose. George didn't like it and he would try to rub it off with his paw or our pant leg or the couch, so we'd have to hold him until it dried.
I've never had a sunburn, but Mom 'Bean gets 'em, so I'm wondering if other dogs get burned like hoomans do. I don't think so, but maybe those kind that get their coats cut right off real short would get sunburned cuz their skin is bear.
dogs do burn
search for this in google and you will know
I did read this somewhere
although the intensity is very less but they do !!
Yes, they do burn! Here's some tips:
Keep your dog inside or in the shade, even when it's overcast, during peak sun hours between 10 am and 3 pm.
Try giving your dog a 20-minute bath in cool water if he soaks up too much sun. Mix the bath with either an oatmeal product or baking soda to help ease the pain and itching associated with sunburn.
Wipe the burned areas off with witchhazel after the dog's bath. Witchhazel is a strong antioxidant and astringent made from the leaves and bark of the witchhazel plant.
Apply a 100% Aloe Vera gel to the sunburn. A product made from pure Aloe Vera is safe and non-toxic.
If the burn is severe or has open sores, try applying a gentle antibiotic ointment to it.
Re-apply the witchhazel, aloe and antibiotic as needed until the sunburn is completely healed.
Dog Pregnancy Symptoms
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