Quilly left a message fur me that she found another blog kinda like mine, but it's done by 3 dogs. I went there today to have a look and there's lots more fur me to look at, but I saw this ribbon on the side board here and copied it so I could put it here on mine too, cuz I don't like the sound of puppy mills. Then Mom told me not to put it on my sidebar, but I could put it here so I can tell about it. Now I'll tell you why and what that's all about.
You see, there is a thing in the Universe called the Law Of Attraction. Whether you know about it or not and whether you believe in it or not, it works for you every time, all the time. It works on the words you think and the words you speak. It works on what you believe and what you think about. It's real big stuff and way too much fur one dog to explain, but it really is real. It has been scientifically proven.
So, for example, if you want to get rid of Puppy Mills and you post a big ribbon saying Stop Puppy Mills, it makes everyone that sees it think of Puppy Mills. The Law of Attraction hears everyone thinking about Puppy Mills and so it creates more of them. The Law of Attraction doesn't say "well, this is what these people do/don't want" before it creates or doesn't.... it just creates all the time and bases its creations on what we think about. This means that we have to change the way we think in order to change the situation. What is the opposite of the Puppy Mills? It's safe, loving homes with responsible people what do the best fur the animals in their care, keep them clean, well fed, lots of fresh water, keep 'em in good health. So now, shorten that to a few words... "Healthy Homes Fur Dogs" or "Happy Homes Fur Dogs". I thinks that all happy dogs are healthy dogs, tho all healthy dogs might not be happy, so I think I like "Happy Homes Fur Dogs" best.
Now what we do is think lots and lots about creating Happy Homes Fur Dogs. Don't give any more thoughts to what we don't want... just give lots of thoughts to what we DO WANT!! This is real important stuff, my friends!!!!
If Mom had a proper program to do it woof, I'd take that ribbon and change the words on it, then post that to my sideboard. I'd even find a way to put it on the sides of our truck so lots of people could see it.
If you have one of those programs, could you be so kind as to make me a new ribbon like the one above, but change the words to Happy Homes Fur Dogs and send it to me, or post it on yur bloggy and let me know it's there so I can go pick it up and bring it here. Thank you!!
Happy Homes Fur Dogs
If you love drinking wine (no, not whining) and you want a cool, safe place to keep yur bottles of wine, check out this wine refrigerator.
Reba, your mom is correct. That which we don't want to happen shouldn't be given name. If it has no name, it doesn't exist.
Puppy Mills are terrible! They should all be put out of business.
i hate Puppy Mills !
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