Lately, my Mom 'Bean and I have both been getting a new kind of SPAM. No, not the kind you kin eat. That kind I'm sure I'd like... after all, I am a dog (for those of you who just don't 'get it'). What the new kind of spam is, is that they copy a few lines of text from yur post and paste it into the comment section on yur blog. I guess they want to have their link all over the internet to try building up their page rank. Or maybe they want us to follow the link to see who they are, and they'll give us a virus. I don't know. Iz a smart dog but can't read minds. Well anyway, whatever the reason is that they do this is just plain stupid. I mean, who would publish the post they leave. Mom has us both set on 'moderate' so that we haz to read 'em before we post 'em. This is cuz for awhile we waz getting a awful lot o' spam on our blogs. So, as soon as Mom 'Bean reads and sees that it's any kind of spam, she just rejects in and it's gone! Poof! It's gone even faster than a raw steak in my dog dish... and that's real fast!

Any of you that have computers need
computer desks. Even as easy as it is to use your laptop on your lap, it is good to put it onto a desk when not in use.
I got one of those for the first time yesterday, too!
Grrrrrr! Spam. We hate it too.
this is interesting
this is the case with many dofollow blogs as people love to build links for their sites
it is always suggested to moderate comments like you are doing
but in cases I have found bloggers not moderating comments and hence their posts are full of spam!!
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