Jul 29, 2008

Woofless Wednesday

See Comment #1 please.

Happy Woofless Wednesday!!


Anonymous said...

Bark!! I sure am glad this is not where Mom takes me fur our walks. I likes being off leash and runnin' around playin' woof other dogs.

Thanks fur visiting and reading my comment. Bark!!

Anonymous said...

Reba you are such a smart girl! You can read!

jams o donnell said...

Being on the ;leash must be no fun when you want to run and play! Happy WW

Ingrid said...

Sometimes you can replace "dog" by "child", lol !

maryt/theteach said...

Reba, I'm glad you have the chance to run and play! :)

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Reba, this is Gracie. I've taken over Mom's blog just long enough to let you know that I soooooo agree with you about leashes. I do kind of like my new red collar though.