This is Day 2 of this new Photo Challenge, hosted my my hooman Mom at her blog, I Was Born2Cree8.
I got these piktures from Mom's computer, that's where she keeps 'em. They is both from my favorite Dog Park. When you look at this first one, you gonna say, "That's a log, not a bridge." You will be right, and you will be wrong... arf, arf, arf. You see, sometimes peoples cross the creek by walking on these logs. That way they can walk on the other side woof their dogs, just fur something different fur a change.

Someone made a bridge kinda thing last year. They used logs and boards to make it woof, and it worked pretty good. In this pikute, friends on Mom & me are going across cuz we was all going fur a walk together. It was just logs here, but plywood got put on it too after awhile, and it make a pretty good bridge. Then this spring the water was real high and fast and it washed the bridge away... also some of the land and such. The creek is lots different now than it was before that.

Today Mom took me to the Dog Park after she was finished at her Spiritual place. We walked 3 times around it. Mostly we walk 1 or 2 times around, but Mom felt okay walking today. It was cool out. She was feeling a bit sick all day and still is, but fur some reason felt pretty good at the dog park, so we just kept walking. Her back didn't even hurt her. The first one & a half times around she talked on the cell phone to Nan (her Mom), then finished the second time woof a lady and her 2 dogs. Then they left and she might have, but there's a cute guy that we've seen lots and they've said "hi" a bit, but she wanted to get a chance to see more of him. So, we had a nice 3rd time around... arf, arf, arf. I kept takin' his dogs ball and he kept havin' to hold me and take it out my mouth, so I got lots of attention from the guy, arf arf arf. But they had a nice talk I guess, and when him & his dog left, he asked Mom her name, said he was Eric, and they shook hands. He said something about he'd see us there again, but all hoomans say that kinda thing up there. This is the 3rd walk we got this week, now that my rack is painted and back on the truck so I can go along again.
Mom was going to take some new piktures at the dog park today, even carried her camera all around, but when she went to take some, she found she'd forgotten to put the memory card back in the camera, so couldn't take no piktures cuz internal memory is full. Grrrr. The card isn't in the computer, so she's not sure where it is... somewhere near the 'puter probably, but she'll have to hunt fur it.
{Streeeettttch!} I'm going to sleep now. See ya later!
Looking very attractive post with beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing this post.
I've crossed quite a few creeks high and dry on logs. They make great bridges!
I love log bridges. My balance isn't what it used to be but when I was younger those were my favorite bridges. I enjoyed the shots from you mom's computer. I hope she'll feel better soon.
Now that is a bridge ala natural...
Nice for you that your mom was feeling well enough to walk for such a long time ! I would immediately fall in the water and you could safe me !
Nice for you that your mom was feeling well enough to walk for such a long time ! I would immediately fall in the water and you could safe me !
You are so right my furry friend - a bridge is a bridge is a bridge!
I've used many of these in my day walking through the woods in my younger days. Not so sure I have enough balance these days to do so.
Good job!
well, of course a log can also be a bridge... a straw can be a bridge to, say, an ant...
nice pics... are you going to help mom find the memory card?
Very creative idea!! Fun post!
Good evening Reba, How cool is the log bridge to get across the water..I could not balance myself to walk across that log...do you see any snakes out in the wooded park area?? I hate snakes and we have had a few around my house.. like copperheads and rattle snakes. Thanks for sharing your bridge with us.
Boy Reba you sure have a fancy dog park where you live.
We don't have a dog park here.
Stop in sometime I let Daisy on the couch and your welcome to set on it too.
Well done! The log was a very smart choice for a bridge photo.
Cat beds – Glad you likes it. Hey, maybe you kin send a cat bed over here. Mom got a new cat and I won’t let it sleep woof Mom on her bed, so maybe it needs its own. Oh, I know she sneaks in here woof Mom if she naps in the day when I’m outside, my nose tells me that, but no way at night when I’m inside.
Quilly – I’ve never crossed a creek on a log, and never will. It seems to work fur humans, tho. If the water is shallow I walk right across it. Mom does that sometimes too if she’s wearing her rubber shoes, but not woof her running shoes on.
Carver – Hey, what do you carve? Meat? If so, kin I have some? I like meat, specially raw. Errr, guess that’s now what I’m sposed to talk about… Read what I said to Quilly, arf arf. Mom says thanks, she hopes so too. Me too cuz I want to go fur a walk at the dog park and she just stayed home today and hogged the computer.
Ellen B - Yup, it is. Thanks fur liking it.
Gattina – Maybe Mom could walk longer cuz it was cool and she was hot and sweaty so the cool felt good. The water is very shallow at this time of year, so you could get out okay. I don’t mind wading in shallow water, I rather like it, but I do not do deep water. I’m not a swimmer. I leave that to the water dog breeds.
Carletta – Thanks very much fur your nice words. Mom doesn’t feel so good about walking across the logs either, but is getting better woof practice. You could too. Bark!
Juliana – LIDLMDBO (Laying In Dirt Laughing My Doggy Butt Off). I was outside when Mom told me what you said, arf arf. Anyway, ya… never thought of an ant bridge. Maybe you kin post a picture of a ant on a straw… or even just the straw and tell people it’s a ant bridge. Arf, arf, arf. Glad you like the pics. I offered to help Mom find the memory card, but it’s okay now. She found it and put it back in the camera so it’s ready to go.
Jientje - Iz so glad you like it. Thanks fur visiting. Next time please bring dog cookies… I’ll share woof you my water.
Baba – I couldn’t balance me to walk across the log either. My 4 feet just like walking on the ground better, but only in shallow water. We’ve never seen or heard of any snakes in our dog park, in wooded area or the field either. There are rattle snakes around our area, but in the over 30 years Mom’s lived here, she’s hardly even seen ‘em. One time at Rattle Snake Park she saw a few, and one time riding horses she found a dead one. She spent lots of time riding horses in the hills ‘round here and that’s all she ever saw. Thanks fur visiting.
Peppylady – Whoof!! That’s sad that you don’t have dog parks where you live. Dogs sure love ‘em. I’ve heard that some places the dog parks still say dogs gotta be on lead, but here we can run free in our dog parks. Well, except bad dogs, they sometimes need to be on leads. I never gets onto the couch. Never even tried when I was a pup. Well, except sometimes trying to sit on Mom’s lap, but I don’t fit so quit trying ages ago. I’d like to come play woof Daisy tho. We gots a Daisy too, she’s a chinchilla. I hopin’ yur Daisy is a dog.
Minkydo - Thank you fur yur nice words. And thanks fur visiting. Come again. Whoof!
Reba, weren't you nervous crossing over that "homemade" bridge? :)
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