Aug 22, 2008

An Introduction

Hello. I am new to this home I'm living in now, having been brought here against my will on August 7th. I've seen the dog and the human they call 'Mom' both working on this thing they call a computer, so thought I'd try my paw at it too. If I break it, so what. She'll just have to check out used cisco computer parts.

When Cyndi decided to bring me here, it scared me cuz I was happy there. I liked Cyndi and I was happy chasing the other cats and scaring the kitty poop out of them, mew. Power is good. Purrr. I didn't know what this home would be like or how much power I'd have here. At Cyndi's there were dogs, but none of them bothered me. I got along well with the birds and the ferrets so I knew where I stood there. Then Cyndi puts me in this little cage, into her truck, and off we go to my "new home". Oh kitty poop... now what?!

So, we get here and this human, errr, 'Mom', takes the cage with me in it, and the bag of food Cyndi brought along, and into the house. She takes me from the cage and shows me where my litter box and food are. Then she leaves. That's okay. It'll give me some time to check out the new digs and see what all I can see here. Ya, some time would be good. That was Thursday and I didn't see 'Mom' again, or any other human, until Sunday night. That was a bit longer than I'd had in mind. Good thing she left as much food and water fur me as she did. While she was gone I explored the house. There's other critters here, all in cages. A budgie bird (parakeet) and a bunny rabbit, and 5 chinchillas. I could easily smell the dog and tho I didn't see it, I knew it was just outside the back door all this time.

So, since then, I've been getting to know 'Mom'. She's okay I guess. I'm finding it easy to fool her into thinking I'm growing to like her. When I feel like it, and the monster dog is outside, I sit beside 'Mom' on the couch, or if she lays on her bed I go lay there with her. She seems to like these silly little things a lot. Hey, it's a small thing fur me to do to insure she continues to feed/water me, clean my litter box regularly, and give me those tasty little kitty treats she brought home fur me the other day.

One day the monster dog came into the back room where I spend all my time when she's in the house. I was laying there on my old computer chair (see photo above), minding my own business, and this monster comes in and sticks her nose into my face. I tell you, I flipped on her. I started smacking her about the head and ears with my paws and yowling. Then I jumped over the back of my chair and ran into a back corner and up onto the dresser where I was safe. The dog, while all this was happening, started to bark at me, can you imagine!! Then it went to chase me, but the human yelled at her so she wouldn't run after me. It worked. Now, every time she's in the house, I run & hide. When she goes out, I come out and smoooze the human... errr, I mean 'Mom'. Mew, mew, purrr.

Oh, by the way.... Cyndi called me Cremello.... 'Mom' calls me Mewsic, cuz the sounds I make (mews and purrrs) are 'music' to her ears.

Ooopppsss.... gotta run!!!


Daisy said...

Hi Mewsic! It is very nice to meet you. You are a beautiful Calico!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mewsic. You are a pretty kitty. Be nice to Reba, the dog, she just wants to get to know you sans the claws.

Amber Star said...

I think I like your new kitty and I think she likes her new home.

Ingrid said...

Welcome to the blogworld Mewsic, (what a name, lol )! I hope you will get used to this big monster, I can tell you he is very nice !! Don't scare him too much ! He loves cats I am sure ! (I hope I am not mistaken and he is a she !)