Wordless Wednesday
Our new challenge is hosted by Quilly. This is a one week photo challenge until Saturday, so keep comin' back to see more.
Guess I should tell you that the pikture in the Reflections sign was taken by Mom on our trip to the Kootenays last year. It sure is beautiful there.
Look real close at this pikture and tell me what is missing.

You kin see the reflections in the window.
You kin see Mom's truck.
You kin see Mom in it.
You kin see the new rack Mom got built fur me, and she painted it fur me too.
You kin even see the rain falling real heavy.
But what is missing??

I know, I know, I used a bunch of words, but at least I didn't say WOOF!
Hey, are you planning to go on a trip? On business or to visit friends or family? If so, you might want to check out some flight deals.
Wonderful reflection photos. By the way, noticed you have a gas guzzler there ;)
Well I don't see Reba Jane anywhere... but something tells me that's not the answer. I'll have to think on this one some more.
Nice shot (especially for not having opposable thumbs!)
This is my first time here and you've already made me "arf arf."
As far as what's missing, I've looked and looked and just don't know.
So, I'll be back to see what all your other readers will notice.
Ooh nice shots Reba!
Ginger says great reflections Reba and you almost made it without a woof!
ps... I got in trouble today for 'woofing' at the squirrels and scaring them away! My mommy likes to watch them play in our back yard for some silly reason!
What's missing? There's no REBA in that truck!
Julie.. thanks fur the visit. Mom's truck is a bit hard on gas, fur sure. We need a 4x4 to get up and down our driveway safely in the winter. Also, Mom uses it to bring home the bags of pellets fur heating our home in the winter time. However, this is a Ford Ranger, so is smaller than a lot of the trucks out there, and way easier of gas than a whole lot of them. We love our truck, so don't diss it. K. Thanks fur your visit. Bark!!
Mojo... I must admit I didn't take the pikture, Mom did. You see... I WASN'T IN THE TRUCK!!! See, should'a stuck to yur first thought, arf, arf, arf.
Swampwitch... thanks fur yur visit. I'm glad I made you arf, arf. It's the best medicine, ya know. I'm glad you comin' back. Do so often.
Jams... Thanks!!
Marsha/Ginger... Thanks fur yur visit!! Glad you likes the evidence, errr I mean reflections. Maybe why you gots heck was cuz you woofed on Woofless Wednesday. Try chasin' them squirrels again tomorrow and see if you gets in heck again. Let me know. Mom's can be weird... errr, hard to understand at times. Mine gets made when I chase her stupid cat. Go figure.
Quilly... You are the WINNER!!! You gets a DOGGY COOKIE!! There is no ME in that truck! Mom finally got my rack all painted up and back on the truck so she could take me along too, and then she leaves me home. What's that all about?? Some silly excuse about it raining too hard and me having no protection from it. What... I've never been wet before? Sheeeesh!!!
Mom's did good!
It was too heavy of a rain for you to be Reba - Mama did know best.
I guessed there was no dog in the shot and then I saw I was right, of course I may just be saying that since I got to see the answer, ha. Fun sequence of reflection shots.
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