Aug 22, 2008

Reflections - Day 7 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Our current photo challenge is hosted by Quilly. Sunday through Saturday, the challenge is to post photos of Reflections! This is the last day. It has been woofenderful fun.

These are piktures Mom took August 19, 2007 at a small pond a short drive from here.

Did you remember to click on the piktures to get a better look at em?



Anonymous said...

Your reflection pictures are beautiful!

Ingrid said...

How cute, and as a good doggy you didn't bark or chase them. Today I have something for you, you can observe cat Arthur in a very private business !

Anonymous said...

Those are all great. I love the ones where it looks like the ducks and then the little bird are standing on their heads. I have enjoyed this challenge so much.

Anonymous said...

Awesome reflections, Ruby! I am so proud of you for not chasing those ducks away! They are beautiful!

Carletta said...

My fav is the first one!! Really good job she did on this one.