Aug 19, 2008

Reba Tuesday

Welcome to this week's Ruby Tuesday, hosted my Mary the Teach at Work Of The Poet.

Happy Ruby Tuesday, have a woofenderful day!!


GMAC said...

i love the 3rd picture most. nice job!

Columbo said...

I think those are awesome Ruby Tuesday shots. Very creative.

Anonymous said...

love the old car and the red it each

maryt/theteach said...

Reba, your hooman did such a good job photographing a RED fire hydrant and beautiful RED flowers to decorate that old gray car! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Leora said...

Great series of photos. Love the hydrant in the first.

Raven said...

What a great old car with lots of wonderful red around it. And there's even some little bits of red under the hood. Too cool. Nice reflections post below too.

Dianne said...

good job! guess you were out looking for hydrants! :)

I love that car.

Jientje said...

What a stunning old-timer!

judi/Gmj said...

Okay You cutie, big scratches behind your ears, belly rubbies and snoozles in you neck! You did a great Ruby Red! Thanks for visiting my blog even if I only have 2paws.

Carletta said...

You didn't used to chase that old car when it was new did you Reba!
It's a nice old car though.
I see the fire hydrant there - spend time there I bet!

Ingrid said...

Are these things where you left your hind leg ??

PS. Nice shots !!

juliana said...

these are cool shots! love the hydrant and i can imagine how appealing it must be for the canines.

Minkydo said...

Oh my! That car has suicide doors on it. I would love to have ridden in one of those.

Great job!