Our new challenge is hosted by Quilly. Today through next Saturday, the challenge is to post photos of Reflections! When Mom told me we had a new challenge, kinda like the Dragon Hunt that just finished, I hoped it would be hunting cats or rabbits... but it's just lookin' fur reflections. Maybe next time?!
In May 2007, Mom & I went to visit our friend Cam in the Kootenays. We also got to meet Kai who lived there, and Claire who was visiting from Scotland. Both 'friends' through the bloggisphere. On the way there, in the pouring rain, Mom stopped at Fish Lake (and a bunch of other places) to take piktures of stuff.
In this pikture you get to see Canada Geese going fur a swim... and you can see the reflections of their heads/necks in the water. Critters and their reflections... that's yur Two-Fur! Arf, arf, arf.

Have a woofenderful day!!!
Whoof, Bark!!
Whoof, Bark!!
Neat Canadian geese photo! Love the fire hydrant photo below too.
Good Camera Critters share!
good to see you back at camera critters! lovely photos!
Ceilidh, Jesse, Shayla and Devil send woofs to Reba Jane from the Kahshe Cottage! They also liked the look of your lake and thought they would love to chase those geese! Jesse has taken on the wild turkeys already!!
If you would like to visit the Kahshe Camera Critters, they are here and here.
Very nice water reflections!!
My pic is posted :)
I had significant problems with Blogger this morning so I don’t know whether or not I have time to participate in ‘Quilly’s Reflections Challenge’ … but thanks for the ‘heads up’ and wonderful job with the photo of Canadian geese today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
he reflcetion is beautiful and I am always happy to see bird shots.
But Ruby, how can it be a two FUR if ducks have feathers? Hmmmmm?
Thanks for playing. You are a good girl.
This ol' dog sure thinks it's mighty nice of all you peoples to come by fur a visit and to leave me yur words to 'chew' on. I can't keep my eyes open long enough to answer all of you but want to say something to Quilly.
Quilly - Thanks fur visiting and leaving me yur words... and my name is REBA, not Ruby. R-E-B-A... REBA. Okay, we got that straight... now, fur yur question. Yup, ducks haz feathers. There are no ducks in the pikture, but ducks do haz feathers. There are GEESE in the pikture tho, and they haz feathers too. And it's a two fur cuz it's two memes covered woof one post... you know... like a two fur one deal. Oh wait, maybe ya gotta be able to talk dog to understands it.
Now I gotta nap.
REBA -- sorry. It's very, very late here (actually it's very early in the morning) and I haven't been to bed since very early yesterday morning. I believe OC and I were talking about the restaurant were we ate lunch today -- RUBY Tuesday -- when I was typing my comment to you. So, it was either fatigue or old age -- or both -- that caused the slip up. Sorry.
And those are most certainly Canadian Geese. It's hard to miss that white rouge. I guess I have a feather brain.
we lost all our ducks to foxes good to see these again..sandy
Reba, I always love your posts! You are so much fun!
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