Aug 4, 2008

Reba Tuesday

Welcome to this week's Ruby Tuesday, hosted my Mary the Teach at Work Of The Poet. This is my second time playing along. My Mom 'Bean takes the piktures and I "borrow" them fur my doggie bloggie, Arf!!

Mom and I would both love to live here... and I think the rest of the critters would too. There would be lots of room fur the budgie bird, ringneck parrot, rabbit, and all 5 chinchillas... and all the new critters Mom could have on a farm like this.

Now all we gotta do is find a way to win this:

Yup, we can imagine. Oh boy, can we imagine!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

If you are a people who would like to loose some weight, if yur all out of other options you can try diet pills.


Anonymous said...

That farm looks like a cozy place. I can see why you'd want to live there. (Good luck with the Lotto.) Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Large praise for this well written and easily understandable contribution. I take up this blog to my favorites and times will soon again by-look.

Ingrid said...

There is only one thing to do, play lottery and win 100 million $ !
I participate today for the first time !

Maria's Space said...

Great use of the Red Theme. I couldn't even imagine.

Minkydo said...

Love the farm pics!

Tink *~*~* said...

Nice catch finding the red fire plug outside the red buildings!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Mimi Lenox said...

I love the third photo especially. Well done!
I am HERE.

Dianne said...

we share a dream!

I want a farm, a large sanctuary so much

for all the critters - 2 and 4 legged, furry and winged and bald :)

beautiful photos - I love barn red.

Anonymous said...

You would have room to RUN!

But who would be doing all the farm chores?

Ralph said...

The classic farm with the even more classic red barns. Seems to be nothing more (North) American than a red barn.

Looks like a real working farm, not owned by the absentee city gentleman farmer...

Raven said...

Gorgeous farm all snug in the mountains like that. I'll cross my fingers for you. Hope you win that sixteen million and get your farm. Good luck!

maryt/theteach said...

great red buildings farm! And an interesting fire hydrant right there on the road... Happy Reba Tuesday Ruby, uh I mean, Reba! :)